Issue 7

Abdoullah Namdar et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 7 (2009) 73-79 ; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.07.06 78 Figure 3 : Model No vs Safe Bearing Capacity R EFERENCES [1] B. Kenneth et al, “Stabilization of Soft Soils By Soil Mixing”, ASCE (2000) 194-205. [2] Saravut Jaritngam, “Design Concept of The Soil Improvement For Road Construction on Soft Clay”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4 (2003) 311-322. [3] B. C. Punmia, Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Madras (1988) [4] Salah Sadek, Gabriel Khoury, Int. J. Engng Ed, 16-6 (2000) 499-508. [5] George M. Filz, “Load Transfer, Settlement, and Stability of Embankments Founded on Columns Installed by Deep Mixing Methods”, National Technical University of Athens School of Civil Engineering Geotechnical Department – Foundation Engineering Laboratory, (2007). [6] S. Larsson, M. Dahlstrom, B. Nilsson, Ground Improvement 9-1 (2005) 1–15. [7] Donald A. Bruce, An introduction to the Deep Soil Mixing Methods as Used in Geo-technical applications, US department transportation, federal highway administration, Office of infrastructure Research and Development 3300 Georgetown Pike McLean, (2000) VA 22101-2296. [8] Hakan Bredenberg, Goran Holm and Bengt Baltzar Broms, “Dry Mix Methods for Deep Soil Stabilization”, Taylor & Francis (1999). [9] Christopher R. Ryan, Brian H. Jasperse, Deep Soil Mixing At The Jackson Lake Dam, ASCE Geotechnical and Construction Divisions, Special Conference June 25-29 (1989). [10] E. W. Bahner Member, ASCE, A.M. Naguib, Design and Construction of A Deep Soil Mix Retaining Wall for The Lake Parkway Freeway Extension , N OMENCLATURE Φ [°] = Friction Angle C [kN/m 2 ] = Soil Cohesivity OMC % = Optimum Moisture Content % SBC [kN/m 2 ] = Safe Bearing Capacity γ [kN/m 3 ] = Unit Weight q f [kN/m 2 ] = Ultimate Bearing Capacity q nf [kN/m 2 ] = Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity q s [kN/m 2 ] = Safe Bearing capacity N c = General Bearing Capacity Factor N q = General Bearing Capacity Factor