Issue 7

Abdoullah Namdar et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 7 (2009) 73-79; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.07.06 75 q f = 1.3C N c + γD N q + 0.4 γB N γ (1) q nf = q f - q nf = q f - γD (2) q s =(q nf / F)+ γD (3) Also N q , N c and N γ are the general bearing capacity factors and depending upon 1) Depth of footing; 2) Shape of footing; 3) Φ, friction angle. These parameters have been used from suggestion by the Terzaghi calculation method [3]. R ESULT AND DISCUSSION n order to determine soil morphological characteristics, wet sieve analysis has been employed. Morphology of seven soils have been used in developing models, as shown in Tab. 2 an d Fig. 1. Among all soils, red and black soils have the most linear distribution of particles. Tests of liquid limit and plastic limit, indicated that black green, yellow, dark brown and light brown soils are not plastic soils, and only red soil is a plastic one. Results of liquid limit and plastic limit are mentioned i n Tab. 3, 4 an d Fig. 2. Red soil has liquid limit of 32.7% and plastic limit of 17.785%. Red soil has been selected for evaluation of its characteristics because of its plasticity. This will allow the eventual improvement of red soil as a construction and sub soil material. Table 2 : Result of sieve analysis of soils (COF=Community Passing Finer). Figure 1 : Result of soils sieve analysis. I Sl. No Diameter of Sieve COF Red Soil COF Sand COF Dark Brown Soil COF Yellow Soil COF Green Soil COF Light Brown Soil COF Black Soil 1 4.75 100 100 99.59 100 100 100 96.94 2 2 99.58 96 89.10 99.6 99.6 92.6 91.83 3 1 94.16 79.8 50.15 99 99.4 73 83.66 4 0.6 88.12 63.2 36.23 98.6 99 63.2 80.59 5 0.425 86.24 50.6 33.40 98.2 98.8 59.6 78.55 6 0.3 71.24 7.6 22.10 93.8 98.2 48.2 67.52 7 0.212 61.86 2.8 16.45 86.8 97.6 40.4 60.77 8 0.150 58.94 1.8 14.84 75.2 97 34.6 56.88 9 0.075 55.40 1.2 11.61 68 95.2 31.6 52.19 10 Received 0 0 0 0 0 0 0