Issue 7

C. Colombo et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 7 (2009) 65-72; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.07.05 68 Figure 3: Layer disposition in a generic section of the samples. Figure 4 : SEM micrographs of Mat (a), Roving (b) and Volumat (c) layers. S TATIC CHARACTERIZATION he static behaviour characterization of the pultruded material was obtained by means of tensile and compression tests. Five samples for each kind of test were executed by using a Schenck Hydropuls 250kN universal test machine. The tensile tests were executed according the ASTM D 3039/D 3039 M-00 standard, while as regards the compression tests the EN ISO 527-5: 1997 standard was applied. The specimens were cut along the longitudinal direction and presented a rectangular constant cross section, as indicated in the standards that were used. The same sample type was used in both the tensile tests and the compression ones; in Fig. 5 their dimensions are shown together with the aluminium grips that were glued to the specimens. An extensometer was applied to measure the deformation of the specimens. Figure 5 : Shape and dimensions in mm of the samples used in the static tests. T