Issue 7

C. Colombo et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 7 (2009) 65-7 2; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.07.05 67 Position Width (cm) Material Mass per unit length (g/m) Roving mass per unit length (g/m) Weight % 1 17 SONTARA 5.95 2 6 SONTARA 4.2 3 16 MAT 48 4 5 MAT 30 5 ROVING 960 6 21 VOLUMAT 126 7 ROVING 547.2 8 21 MAT 63 9 23 SONTARA 8.05 10 5 SONTARA 3.5 11 4 REEMAY 0.8 Total woven 289 16 Total roving 1507 84 Total resin 1796 57 Total glass 1354 43 Total weight 3150 100 Table 1 : Chemical composition of the layers of the pultruded material (the position refers to Fig. 1) . In Fig.2 it is shown a micrograph of the transversal section taken at the SEM showing the main layers of the material. From the SEM observation it was possible to effectively define the layer disposition in a section (Fig. 3). In Fig. 4 the SEM micrographs of these layer is shown. It can be noted that the fibers in the Roving are nearly aligned, equal-spaced and parallel. Also the different fiber percentages of Mat and Volumat can be noted. Figure 2 : SEM micrograph showing Mat, Roving and Volumat layers.