Issue 47

D. Benasciutti et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 47 (2019) 348-366; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.47.26 364 Diagonal elements are auto-PSDs, out-of-diagonal elements are cross-PSDs. Each auto-PSD S hh ( f ) is a non-negative real- valued even function of f . Cross-PSDs are complex-valued functions of f and can be written as ) ( ) ( ) ( f iS f S f S q hk c hk hk   , where i is the imaginary unit. The real part   ) ( Re ) ( f S f S hk c hk  (“co-spectrum”) is a real-valued even function of f , the imaginary part   ) ( Im ) ( f S f S hk q hk  (“quad-spectrum”) is a real-valued odd function of f . The cross-PSD can be positive or negative. Matrix S ( f ) is Hermitian because ) ( ) ( f S f S * hk kh  , where * means complex conjugate. Finally, the values of the cross-PSD are also bounded by the Schwartz's inequality ) ( ) ( ) ( f S f S f S kk hh hk   , which implies that S hk ( f ) must be zero at any frequency where either S hh ( f ) or S kk ( f ) is zero too, whereas it maximum depends on the values of the auto-PSDs. Also in the multiaxial case, a one-sided PSD matrix can be introduced: G ( f )=2· S ( f ) for f >0, zero elsewhere. Similarly to Eq. (19), a matrix of spectral moments of S ( f ) is defined as: ... ,2,1,0 d) ( d) ( 0         n f f f f f f n n n G S λ (24) Diagonal elements λ n,hh are the moments of auto-PSDs, out-of-diagonal elements λ n,hk ( h ≠ k ) the moments of cross-PSDs: ) ( d) ( d) ( ; d) ( c , , k h f f S f f f S f f f S f hk n hk n hkn hh n hh n                (25) Eqn. (25) shows that the cross spectral moment λ n,hk is only function of the co-spectrum ) ( f S c hk , as the quad-spectrum ) ( f S q hk is an odd function of f and it simplifies in the integral computation (25) (this finding has somehow to be expected, since spectral moments are real numbers). Eqns. (22) and (24) show that  =0 yields the covariance matrix C , which also coincides with the matrix λ 0 of zero-order moments. Variance and covariance terms are:     )( ,)( d) ( ; )( d) ( c ,0 c ,0 t x t xCov C f f S t xVar C f f S k h hk hk hk h hh hh hh               (27) This final result also confirms how cross-PSDs (which are complex-values functions) are not involved in the covariance matrix (which is real-valued). A PPENDIX B – I MPLEMENTATION OF P B P METHOD IN A NSYS APDL ig. 10 displays the flowchart of the PbP method, along with the scripts used to implement the method in Ansys software. The relationship with the previous approach in Matlab is also shown for comparison. In both approaches, the analysis is developed in two separate phases that must be executed in sequence. The first phase is managed in Ansys by a main program that generates the finite element model (mesh and boundary conditions) and computes the stress PSDs in each node (“DO/ENDO” loop) through the procedure of random vibration analysis. Throughout this phase, the stress PSD for each node is stored into a text file (function “psdcovdata2text.mac”). All text files are gathered in a subfolder for subsequent processing. Similarly, also the finite element model is saved into a *.cdb file. The list of nodes and elements need to be exported and stored (function “FEnode_elem.mac”) only if the next analysis phase is performed in Matlab. The second phase, carried out either in Ansys or in Matlab, computes the damage in each node according to the PbP method. In Ansys, this phase is managed by a main program through a “DO/ENDO” loop, in which the stress PSD data for each node are first retrieved from text files (function “text2psdcovdata.mac”) and then used as input for subsequent F