Issue 47

F. Moroni et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 47 (2019) 294-302; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.47.22 299 An example of force vs. opening behavior and fracture surface of co-cured DCB test is shown in Fig. 10. In some specimens, a marked ply bridging was found due to the development of multiple delaminations. This phenomenon induces a greater strain energy release, see the diagram of Fig. 11: for all the three specimens, the propagation of the crack begins at about the same G I but afterwards, for the specimen DCB_CC_C01_01 the value of G I grows slightly and stabilizes around a 20% higher value, while in the other two samples it increases more markedly (Fig. 11). Figure 7 : Results of TRAZ-BJ tests. Figure 8 : Example of rupture location of TRAZ-BJ tests. Figure 9 : TRAZ-BJ (adhesive only) test geometry. adhesive