Issue 47

Y. Mizuno et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 47 (2019) 209-220; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.47.16 210 the UK, which was designed by Sir Ove Nyquist Arup, elegantly represents the construction process of the bridge in the completed form. During the construction of this bridge, bents and scaffoldings were not used in order to protect the river ecosystem. Instead, each half of the bridge, which comprised a concrete V-shaped rigid frame pier and beam, was constructed at each bank of the river on a cylindrical foundation parallel to the river. The parts were then rotated by 90º to form the complete bridge. This is an example of an outstanding design approach where the construction process led to the invention of a new construction method that solved a specific problem at the site. Furthermore, the resulting bridge is a fine-looking structure. In this manner, the design approach, which also considers the construction process, could be applied not only to new constructions but also to replacements, reconstructions, or reinforcements. Figure 1 : King’s Gate Bridge [1]. B ACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF RESEARCH esearchers such as Frei Otto, Mike Schlaich, and others have advanced the systematization of structures. Frei Otto [2] organized a lightweight structure in a book titled “Form and Structure”. Mike Schlaich [3], organized a lightweight structure in a book titled “Shape and Structure”. One of the authors of this paper, Kubota [4], has systematized the structural forms of bridges and clarified their underlying principles on the basis of the types of forces acting on bridge members. To date, research has mainly focused on the structural forms of completed bridges. This study aims to extend Kubota’s method to include the construction systems. In this research, changes in the structural systems during the construction processes and systematization of the relationship between a completed bridge and construction process in a design are illustrated. Table 1 : Dimensions of acting forces, structural systems, and fundamental bridge types [5]. R