Issue 45

X.Z. Wang, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 45 (2018) 100-107; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.45.08 107 15B560008): and the natural science basic research projects of the Henan education department (Grant No. 2010B410004). R EFERENCES [1] Wang, J.H., Yan, S., Zeng, X.M. and Li, S.M. (2006). Study and Application of Compound Soil Nail Support in China, Construction Technology, 35(1), pp. 15–19. [2] Liu, B. and Wang, H. (2012). Application of Gray System Theories in Forecasting Daily Output of Oil, Journal of Chengde Petroleum College, (2), pp. 9–12. DOI: 10.13377/j.cnki.jcpc.2012.02.026 [3] Wang, F.J., Li, T.Q. and Yu, C.Z. (2006). Grey Verhulst Predictive Model of Road Traffic Accidents, Journal of Traf- fic and Transportation Engineering, 6(1), pp. 122–126. [4] Yang, M.G. and Yang, X.X. (2010). Prediction for Inbound Tourism Flow of Chongqing Based on Grey Prediction Model, Journal of Southwest China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 35(3), pp. 259–263. DOI: 10.13718/j. cnki. xsxb. 2010.03.064 [5] Wang, L., Ding, W., Ma, Y.F. and Zhang, J.R. (2011). Probabilistic model of shear resistance degradation for corroded reinforced concrete beam, Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology (Natural Scienc), 8(4), pp. 34– 41. [6] Xiao, C.Y., Du, Z.Y., Guo, C. and Xia, J.B. (2008). The Computational Analysis of Flexural Bearing Capacity of Cor- roded Reinforced Concrete Beams, Journal of Hubei University of Technology, 28(1), pp. 25–27. [7] Zhang, Y.H., Meng, Q.F. and Li, Y.Q. (2002). The nonlinear analysis of concrete simple-supported beams strength- ened by external prestressing, Building science research of Sichuan, (1), pp. 27–29, 34. [8] Zeng, X.M., Chen, Z.Y., Wang, J.T. and Du, Y.H. (2004). Research on safety and durability of bolt and cable- supported structures, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 23(13), pp. 2235–2242. [9] [9] Hong, H.C. and Xu, W.Y. (2008). Research on service life of wholly bonded prestressed cable when corrosion ex- pansion cracking, Rock and Soil Mechanics, 29(4), pp. 949–953. DOI: 10.16285/j.rsm.2008.04.032 [10] Zhao, J., Ji, W.Z., Xiao, L., Liang, S.F., Yan, S., Wang, J.H. and Zeng, X.M. (2006). In-situ experimental study on an- chor durability, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 25(7), pp. 1377–1385. [11] Prosek, T., Le Bozec, N. and Thierry, D. (2014). Application of automated corrosion sensors for monitoring the rate of corrosion during accelerated corrosion tests, Materials and Corrosion, 65(5), pp. 448–456. [12] Montoya, P., Diaz, I., Granizo, N., Fuente, D.D.L. and Morcillo, M. (2013). A study on accelerated corrosion testing of weathering steel, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 142(1), pp. 220–228. [13] Pacheco, A.R. and Schokker, A.J. (2007). Revisions to accelerated corrosion test method for post tensioning grout, ACI materials journal, 104(2), pp. 123–128. [14] Rahman, M.S., Divi, S., Chandra, D. and Daemen, J. (2008). Effect of different salts on the corrosion properties of friction type A607 steel rock bolt in simulated concentrated water, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 23(6), pp. 665–673. [15] Darmawan, M.S. and Stewart, M.G. (2007). Spatial time dependent reliability analysis of corroding pretensioned pre- stressed concrete bridge girders, Structural Safety, 29(1), pp. 16–31. [16] Divi, S., Chandra, D. and Daemen, J. (2011). Corrosion susceptibility of potential rock bolts in aerated multiionic simulated concentrated water, Tunnelling and underground space Technology, 26(1), pp. 124–129. [17] Kim, J. and West, R.C. (2010). Application of the Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model to the Indirect Tension Test at a Single Temperature, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136(4), pp. 496–505. [18] Lopez, C.M., Carol, I. and Aguado, A. (2008). Meso-structural study of concrete fracture using interface Structure el- ements. II: compression, biaxial and Brazilian test, Materials and Structures, 41(3), pp. 601–620. [19] Mashayekhi, M., Ziaei Rad, S., Parvizian, J., Niklewicz, J. and Hadavinia, H. (2007). Ductile crack growth based on damage criterion: Experimental and numerical studies, Mechanics of Materials, 39(7), pp. 623–636. [20] Zhang, J. and Lounis, Z. (2009). Nonlinear relationships between parameters of simplified diffusion based model for service life design of concrete structures exposed to chlorides, Cement &Concrete Composites, 31(8), pp. 591–600.