Issue 45

X. Z. Wang, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 45 (2018) 100-107; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.45.08 106 years. This is because under the weak acid environment, the oxide film passivation layer formed on the steel bar surface is easily destroyed by acid water, which leads to faster corrosion and shorter service life of steel bars. Figure 2: The Prediction curve and original data point at close and damp environment. Figure 3. The Prediction curve and original data point at perma- nently soaked in water environment. Figure 4. The Prediction curve and original data point at wet and dry alternately environment. Figure 5. The Prediction curve and original data point at weak acidity aqueous soaking environment. C ONCLUSION ased on the combination of laboratory test and theoretical analysis, the durability and service life of the anchor structure are analyzed comprehensively by the grey system theory. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) In four different corrosive environments (close and damp, permanently soaked in water, wet and dry alternate- ly, weak acidity aqueous soaking), the weight loss rate of the anchor in weak acidity aqueous soaking environment is the biggest, and the weight loss rate of the anchor in close and damp environment is the smallest. In any environment, the weight loss rate of anchor increases with time, but the increase rate decreases with time. (2) The GM (1,1) model is used to test the data of another part by using some experimental data. The results are relatively close. It shows that it is feasible to predict the service life of anchor structures by using the GM (1,1) model. (3) Based on the existing test data, the grey prediction of the anchor service life under four conditions after the test period is carried out. The service life prediction results of the anchor under four conditions have high confidence. A CKNOWLEDGMENTS he authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their valuable remarks and helpful suggestions, which have significantly improved the paper. This research is supported by the science and technology project of Henan prov- ince (Grant No: 172102310748); the young backbone teacher support program of Henan province colleges and universities (Grant No: 2015GGJS-120); the key research project of the Henan education department (Grant No: B T