Issue 43

L.C.H. Ricardo, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 57-78; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.04 72 of the first node behind the current crack tip. This is the conventional definition proposed by Elber [45] and has been widely used by Jiang et al. [73]. In this work the nodes released in the crack tips were located at the minimum load of a cycle to simulate crack growth and will be considered the first contact of the node behind the crack tip, positive stress (+Syy) to characterize the crack opening and negative stress (-Syy) to characterize the crack closing. Figure 12 : Crack Opening and Closing Criterion [72]. Tab. 4 displays the mechanical properties of the simulated material, a low alloy steel, where  YS = yield strength;  UTS = ultimate tensile strength; E =Young´s modulus; E T =tangential modulus;  = Poisson’s ratio.  YS (MPa)  UTS (MPa) E (MPa) E T (MPa)  230 410 210 000 21000 0.30 Table 4 : Material Properties of a Low Alloy Steel The dimensions of the compact tension specimen were: B =3.8 mm; W = 50.0 mm; a/W = 0.26. Tab.5 shows the estimated and used values of the cyclic plastic zone sizes as well as smaller finite element. Tab.6 shows the difference crack propagation rates used in the current work. Plastic Zone Size (mm) Smallest Finite Element Size (mm) Table 5 : Smallest Finite Element. Model Crack Propagation Rate (mm/cycle)Model Name 1 0.25 SAE0.25 2 0.5 SAE0.5 3 0.75 SAE0.75 Table 6: Crack Propagation Rate. R ESULTS igs. 13 and 14 present, respectively,  op and  cl against the numbers of cycles. Figs. 15 and 16 present examples of results of post-processing results from model SAE0.50 showing the stress field in the region near where the crack opens and closes. Estimated 0.48 0.048 Size Used 0.10 0.025 F