Issue 43

F. Berto et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 1-32; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.01 19 temperatures. Moreover, it has been studied for higher temperature the interactions between elevated temperature and creep [125, 126]. 0.01 0.1 1 10 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 Number of cycles to failure, N SED range [MJ/m 3 ] T=650°C V-notches Plain specimens T  W =2.6 SED range (2x10 6 , P.s. 50%)=0.042 MJ/m  Figure 24: Synthesis by means of local SED of new fatigue data at 650°C. Plain and notched specimens are summarized in the same scatterband. Fracture at nano-scale level Fracture mechanics at micro- and nano- scale has become a very attractive topic in the last years [127-136]. However, the results on this topic are still few, mostly because of the lack of effective analytical tools and of the difficult to conduct experimental tests at those scales. A recent work has reanalyzed experimental tests conducted on nanometer specimens made of single-crystal silicon. The cracking behavior was investigated considering small single-crystal silicon specimens with different precrack lengths, generating singular stress field in the range of 23–58 nm lengths. K IC , was found to be in good agreement with that of the macroscale (bulk) counterpart, clearly indicating that the fracture toughness is independent of the size [136]. Figure 25: Precrack tip recently studied in [136-137]. In recent studies, the authors reported preliminary analysis on the application of the Strain Energy Density (SED) approach at nano-scale, based on those experimental results [137] (geometry is reported in Fig. 25. Starting from the evaluated mechanical properties, a first evaluation of the control volume due to a nano-size singular stress field has been carried out. Some preliminary considerations on the SED approach at nano-scale have been reported, with emphasis on