Issue 43

M. Tocci et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 218-230; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.17 222 range is significantly wider for the latter alloy and this can lead to a coarsening of grains since pouring and mold temperature were kept constant for all AlSi9 and AlSi9CuFe samples. Mg Al Si Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu 1 63.33 1.14 2.87 32.66 2 61.25 21.33 5.18 12.24 3 0.62 69.57 8.43 0.55 5.34 11.65 0.60 3.25 4 71.21 7.37 6.20 13.08 2.13 5 59.82 9.78 0.56 8.32 18.62 2.90 6 2.35 72.53 8.94 0.78 4.69 10.32 0.91 1.83 7 61.75 14.51 1.26 6.52 12.83 0.90 2.23 Table 2: EDS analysis (wt. %) of the intermetallic particles shown in Fig. 4. Alloys SDAS (  m) Grain size (  m) AlSi3 31 ± 1 140 ± 6 AlSi9 27 ± 2 160 ± 20 AlSi9CuFe 23 ± 2 350 ± 10 Table 3 : Average and standard deviation of SDAS and grain size for the studied alloys. Finally, Brinell hardness values are reported in Tab. 4. AlSi3 and AlSi9 alloy show comparable hardness, while AlSi9CuFe exhibits a higher value (approximately 20 % higher in comparison with AlSi9 alloy), likely due to the presence of intermetallic particles, which are characterized by greater hardness than the other phases and therefore can positively contribute to enhance this material property [34]. In addition, the effect of the heat treatment leads to an increase in hardness of 56 % for AlSi9 and of 44 % for AlSi9CuFe alloy. This is clearly caused by the precipitation of strengthening particles during T6 heat treatment and demonstrates the effectiveness of the heat treatment parameters applied. In fact, Mg 2 Si precipitation takes place in both the alloys since they contain Mg [36]. In addition, Al 2 Cu particles precipitates as well in AlSi9CuFe alloy during T6 heat treatment [37]. AlSi3 AlSi9 AlSi9 T6 AlSi9CuFe AlSi9CuFe T6 Brinell hardness (HB) 60.2 ± 1.0 62.6 ± 0.5 97.9 ± 0.8 75.8 ± 1.5 109.1 ± 2.4 Table 4: Brinell hardness of the studied alloys. Cavitation resistance in terms of mass loss The cavitation resistance of the studied alloys was evaluated in terms of mass loss vs. testing time. In order to make easier the comparison between different materials, first experimental data collected for the alloys tested in as-cast condition are shown in Fig. 5. It appears that the behavior of AlSi3 alloy is significantly different from the other alloys already after the first 30 min of test. The comparison between AlSi3 and AlSi9 alloy is particularly interesting since these alloys exhibit the same hardness and comparable grain size, but a different amount of eutectic. This suggests that the microstructural features that characterize these alloys play an important role in the evolution of erosion mechanism, even though, at the end of the experiments, the total mass loss recorded for AlSi3 and AlSi9 alloy is fairly similar (Tab. 5). On the other hand, AlSi9 and AlSi9CuFe alloys lost approximately the same mass during the first 5 h of testing, while for longer exposure a significant difference in material behavior emerges, with AlSi9CuFe exhibiting the greatest resistance to cavitation erosion. In detail, it showed a total mass loss about 18% lower than the corresponding alloy without intermetallics