Issue 43

P. Zampieri et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 191-204; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.15 203 The numerical and experimental shock absorber reactions have been plotted as a function of the stroke in Fig. 23.a. Finally, the numerical contact force between the wall and tyres has been compared with the respective experimental one as a function of the wall displacement in Fig. 23.b. According to Fig. 23, a good agreement has been achieved between numerical and experimental results. Figure 23 : a) Shock absorber reaction vs. stroke curves; b) reaction between tyres and rigid wall vs. wall displacement curves. C ONCLUSIONS n this paper, a new methodology supporting the design phase of the landing gear is proposed. Such method allows achieving, by means of multibody simulations, rather than the reaction forces involving each sub-component, the kinematic response of whole landing gear, the coherence of the spatial dimensions of each sub-component, which should not impede the motion of another one, and the dynamic behaviour such as the in-play mass values, the equivalent stiffness and the damping coefficients of the landing gear components. Moreover, the multibody analysis can be coupled with a three-dimensional Full-FEM analysis for the investigation of the landing gear behaviour under dynamic loading conditions, such as the drop test carried out according to the EASA CS 25 regulations. Therefore, this numerical methodology, under Certification by Analysis (CbA) point of view, can be used to test virtually new structural solutions, by reducing the high experimental costs, These numerical analyses have been carried out in order to investigate the main landing gear of a regional airliner. The numerical results of the dynamic analysis have been compared with the experimental ones supplied by Magnaghi Aeronautica S.p.A. and good agreement has been achieved. A CKNOWLEDGMENTS he research activity has been developed within CAPRI – “Landing gear with intelligent implementation” Research Project founded Regione Campania, Italy. R EFERENCES [1] Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Large Aeroplanes CS25 EASA: European Aviation Safety Agency. I T (b) (a)