Issue 43

P. Zampieri et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 191-204; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.15 196 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS n the basis of the static analysis described in the previous sections, the development of the Full-FE model, characterized by all landing gear sub-components modelled with three-dimensional finite elements, has been developed in Ls-Dyna® [16] software environment (Fig. 6). The model counts a total of 448833 nodes and 1222240 of three-dimensional finite elements. Figure 6 : FE model. Because of the complexity of the analysis, the modelling of landing gear has been carried out step-by-step, starting from the modelling of the shock absorber, to the modelling of the contacts and constrains between the sub-components, to the material properties (non-linear) and the tyre numerical characterization. Joints connection between the sub-components have been modelled by means of one-dimensional rigid finite elements, assembled together in order to simulate spherical and cylindrical joints. For example, Fig. 7.a shows the spherical joints modelled between the main fitting and the shock absorber; Fig. 7.b shows the cylindrical joint modelled between the trailing arm and the shock absorber. Figure 7 : a) Spherical and b) cylindrical joints. O (b ) (a)