Issue 43

P. Zampieri et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 191-204; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.15 193 determining the internal forces and reactions on each sub-component; so, the modelled material properties and geometries assume an increasing importance, which gets the stick model a solution too approximating. Moreover, the multibody analysis can be coupled with a three-dimensional Full-FEM analysis for the investigation of the landing gear behaviour under dynamic loading conditions, such as the drop test carried out according to the EASA CS 25 regulations [1]. Therefore, this numerical methodology, under Certification by Analysis (CbA) point of view, can be used to test virtually new structural solutions, by reducing the high experimental costs. These numerical analyses have been carried out in order to investigate the main landing gear of a regional airliner. The numerical results of the dynamic analysis have been compared with the experimental ones supplied by Magnaghi Aeronautica S.p.A. Company and good agreement has been achieved. T EST A RTICLE he main landing gear of a regional airliner has been investigated (Fig. 1). The material properties of the landing gear components are shown in Tab. 1. Figure 1 : Main Landing Gear. Wheel axle 300M AMS6257 Main fitting/ Trailing Arm AL7175-T74 AMS 4149 Folding Side Brace Ti6Al4V AMS4928 Shock Absorber Cylinder 4340 AMS 6414 Table 1 : Material properties. S TATIC FE ANALYSIS he stick model of the landing gear is shown in Fig. 2. A total of 40 nodes and 42 finite elements have been used. Concerning the boundary conditions, the stick model has been constrained as shown in Fig. 3. The stick model of the main landing gear has been investigated by considering an attitude, under static loading condition, of 75% of the total shock absorber mechanical stroke. The considered loading condition is characterized by two vertical forces of 78800 N applied to the centre of wheels (Fig. 3). The reaction forces achieved by the FE analysis have been reported in Section 4 and compared with those achieved by the multibody analysis. T