Issue 43

P. Corigliano et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 43 (2018) 171-181; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.43.13 180 order to estimate the fatigue strength of the investigated joint. The results obtained allowed to assess the mode of damage of the component and to provide a first identification of the fatigue strength of the particular joint. In addition, the systematic analysis of the results has provided guidance for the development of methods and models to predict the fatigue behavior of welded joints in T titanium alloy. A CKNOWLEDGMENTS he experiments reported in this scientific activity were conducted with the support of research projects PON01_01269 "ELIOS" (Strutture di nuova concezione saldate con laser in fibra") and PON01_02380 “STEM- STELO” (“Sistemi e TEcnologie per la realizzazione di Macchine per lo Sviluppo dei Trasporti Eccezionali e della LOgistica di progetto”). R EFERENCES [1] Schutz, R.W., Watkins, H.B., Recent developments in titanium alloy application in the energy industry, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 243 (1998) 305–315. [2] Schutz, R. W., Baxter, C. F., Boster, P. L., Fores, F. H., Applying titanium alloys in drilling and offshore production systems. JOM, 53 (2001) 33-35 [3] ASM Metals handbook, Welding, Brazing and Soldering, ASM International, 6 (1993). [4] Fricke, W., Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Fatigue Strength Assessment of Welded Joints, Special Issue “Fatigue Design and Analysis in Transportation Engineering”, P I MechEng C-J Mech, 229 (2015) 1234-1249. [5] International Institute of Welding. Fatigue design of welded joints and components. Abington Publishing, Abington, Cambridge, (1996). [6] Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures: part 1-1: general rules and rules for building. European Committee for Standardisation, (1993). [7] Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures, part 2: structures susceptible to fatigue. Brussels, Belgium: European Committee for Standardisation, (1999). [8] Susmel, L., Multiaxial Notch Fatigue: from nominal to local stress-strain quantities. Woodhead & CRC, Cambridge, UK, 582 (2009). [9] Sonsino, C.M., Multiaxial fatigue assessment of welded joints, Recommendations for design codes, Int J Fatigue, 31 (2009) 173-187. [10] Susmel, L., Nominal stresses and Modified Wöhler Curve Method to perform the fatigue assessment of uniaxially loaded inclined welds, P I Mech. Eng. C – J. Mec., 228 (2014) 2871-2880. [11] Susmel, L., Taylor, D., A critical distance/plane method to estimate finite life of notched components under variable amplitude uniaxial/multiaxial fatigue loading, Int J Fatigue, 38 (2012) 7–24. [12] Faraji, A.H., Goodarzi, M., Seyedein, S.H., Maletta, C., Effects of welding parameters on weld pool characteristics and shape in hybrid laser-TIG welding of AA6082 aluminum alloy: numerical and experimental studies, Welding in the World, 60 (2016) 137-151. [13] Corigliano, P., Crupi, V., Epasto, G., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, G., Fatigue assessment by thermal analysis during tensile tests on steel. Procedia Eng, 109 (2015) 210 – 218. [14] Corigliano, P., Epasto, G., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, G., Fatigue analysis of marine welded joints by means of DIC and IR images during static and fatigue tests. Eng. Fract. Mech. 183 (2017) 26–38. DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.06.012. [15] Crupi, V., Epasto, G., Guglielmino, E., Risitano, G., Analysis of temperature and fracture surface of AISI4140 steel in very high cycle fatigue regime, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 80 (2015) 22 - 30. [16] [Bucci, V., Corigliano, P., Crupi, V., Epasto, G., Guglielmino, E., Marinò, A., Experimental investigation on Iroko wood used in shipbuilding, P. I. Mech. Eng. C-J. Mec., 231 (2017) 128 – 139. [17] Corigliano, P., Crupi, V., Epasto, G., Guglielmino, E., Maugeri, N., Marinò, A., Experimental and theoretical analyses of Iroko wood laminates; Compos. Pt. B – Eng., 112 (2017) 251 – 264. [18] Maletta, C., Bruno, L., Corigliano, P., Crupi, V., Guglielmino, E., Crack-tip thermal and mechanical hysteresis in Shape Memory Alloys under fatigue loading. Mater Sci Eng A: Struct, 616 (2014) 281–287. T