Issue 42

D. Rozumek et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 42 (2017) 23-29; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.42.03 25 Fatigue tests The test results of fatigue crack growth under proportional bending with torsion were obtained at the laboratory in Department of Mechanics and Machine Design in Opole University of Technology. The tests were performed on the fatigue test stand MZGS – 100 [16, 17], which allows to perform cyclic bending, torsion and synchronous bending with torsion. The tests were conducted under controlled force (in the considered case, the amplitude of bending moment was controlled) with the loading frequency 28.4 Hz. The bending with torsion moment was generated by force on the arm 0.2 m in length. Fatigue tests were performed in the low cycle fatigue (LCF) and high cycle fatigue regime (HCF). Unilaterally restrained specimens were performed with the constant amplitude of moments M a = 7.92 N  m and load ratio R = M min / M max = - 1, 0. The shear stress at the specimen coming from bending takes very small values, below 3% of the maximum applied bending stress and it is neglected in further considerations. In Fig. 3 M(t) is the ratio of torsion moment to bending moment was M T (t) / M B (t) = tan  = 1. Proportional bending with torsion were obtained by rotation of the head by angle  = 45° (see Fig. 3). Pure bending takes place when the  angle is 0°, and for the  angle 90° we have torsion. Figure 3 : Loading of the specimen under proportional bending with torsion. Fatigue crack growth on the specimen lateral surfaces – “a” (active side) and “a*” (passive side) and upper surface “c” (Fig. 4) was observed with the portable optical microscope with magnification of 20 times. The fatigue crack increments were measured with the micrometer of accuracy up to 0.01 mm with the corresponding number of loading cycles N. Figure 4 : C rack growth under proportional bending with torsion. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION non-uniform fatigue cracks growth on both lateral surfaces of specimens was observed during experimental tests. Fatigue cracks were developing in the specimens in two stages; quarter-elliptic edge cracks were observed first, then evolving into through cracks. Experimental test results for proportional bending with torsion are shown as diagrams of crack lengths: a = f (c) (Fig. 5a), a = f (a*) (Fig. 5b) and a = f (N) (Fig. 6). Growth period for quarter-elliptic edge cracks at load ratio R = -1 was ca. 27% of specimen lifetime, whereas for through cracks its value reached approximately 73%. For load ratio R = 0 growth period for quarter-elliptic edge cracks was ca. 18% of specimen lifetime, whereas for through cracks it reached approximately 82%. From graphs fatigue cracks growth shown in Fig. 5a allowed observing that for load ratio R = -1 the relationship between lengths of cracks a/c had higher values than for ratio R = 0. For example, Fig. 5a shows that for ratio R = -1 and c = 7.20 mm (crack depth in specimen upper surface) the A