Issue 42

J. Klon et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 42 (2017) 161-169; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.42.17 168 Figure 8 : Visualization of the Specimen XLA_0.4 inner structure – area of microcracks propagation highlighted. Figure 9 : Visualization of the Specimen XLB_0.4 inner structure – area of microcracks propagation highlighted. A CKNOWLEDGMENT inancial support from the Czech Science Foundation: project 15-07210S. This paper has been worked out under the “National Sustainability Programme I” project “AdMaS UP – Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies” (No. LO1408) supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and Brno University of Technology, Specific Research programme (FAST-J-17-4638) . R EFERENCES [1] Karihaloo, B.L., Fracture Mechanics and Structural concrete, New York: Longman Scientific & Technical, (1995). [2] Veselý, V., The role of process zone in quasi-brittle fracture, Habilitation thesis, BUT Brno, (2015). [3] Veselý, V., Keršner, Z., Merta, I., Quasi-brittle Behaviour of Composites as a Key to Generalized Understanding of Material Structure, Procedia Engineering, 190 (2017) 126–133. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.05.317. [4] Korte, S., Boel, V., De Corte, W., De Schutter, G., Seitl, S., Experimental study of the influence of the initial notch length in cubical concrete wedge-splitting test specimens, Key Engineering Materials, 525–526 (2013) 209–212. [5] Seitl, S., Klusák, J., Keršner, Z., The influence of a notch width on a crack growth for various configurations of three- point bending specimens, Materials Engineering, XIV/3 (2007) 213–219. [6] Bažant, Z.P., Analysis of work-of-fracture method for measuring fracture energy of concrete, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 122(2) (1996) 138–144. [7] Duan, K., Hu, X.-Z., Wittmann, F.H., Size effect on specific fracture energy of concrete, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74 (2007) 87–96. [8] Vavřík, D., Jandejsek, I., Fíla, T., Veselý, V., Radiographic observation and semi-analytical reconstruction of fracture process zone in silicate composite specimen, Acta Technica, 58 (2013) 315-326. F