Issue 42

J. Klon et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 42 (2017) 161-169; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.42.17 167 For this reason only two samples were able to proceed X-ray tomography (configurations A and B). Because the entire specimen is not able to be scanned due to the resolution required (see section X-ray tomography), parts near the crack face from both sides were cut out of the specimen. The sizes of these parts were approximately 105 × 20 × 30 mm. Because of time reasons, X-ray tomography was performed for only one part of each specimen. R ESULTS AND DISCUSSION he MCT tests were successful for A and B variants, where the crack initiates from the initiation notch and leads through the specimen to the circle section on the opposite side. Required quasi-brittle fracture was achieved (for configuration B soon after the maximum loading force was reached, the specimen broke down, see P–CMOD diagram in Fig. 7). For variant C the test was unsuccessful, because the steel platens broke away from the specimen (no crack initiation from the initiation notch) see Fig. 6. This breach was caused due to bad adherence of the glue to the specimen. The specimen of variant C broke down by the initiate crack in the layer of glue and separated the specimen from the platen (see Fig. 6). This failure was probably caused by the high moisture of the specimen, when gluing the platens. Details from the performed tests are shown in Fig. 6. Based on the informative value of average compressive cube strength from [16, 9] ( f c = 55.1 MPa), the value of tensile strength was determined according to the following formula [17]:   2/3 ctm ck 0.3 f f  (7) From Eq. (7), the value of tensile strength of material is f ctm =4.34 MPa. Tab. 1 summarized details about the specimen dimension, relative lengths of the initial crack/notch, experimentally obtain the values of the maximal load and evaluated the values of fracture toughness and the size of the zone according to the LEFM theory (eq (6)). Specimen B [mm] W [mm] a/W [-] P max [kN] K Ic [MPam 1/2 ] r y [mm] MCT A 20 152 0.4 1.1049 1.285 0.0139 MCT B 20 152 0.4 1.6480 1.416 0.0169 Table 1 : The dimension of the MCT specimen, the maximal value of force, fracture toughness and the size of the zone according to the LEFM theory. The FPZ determined by using X-ray tomography on specimens of variants A and B are shown in Fig. 8 (variant A) and Fig. 9 (variant B). The determined FPZ is highlighted in blue. As can be seen from those two pictures, the FPZs for both variants are different. The difference between these two FPZs is caused by the above mentioned degree of tension and deformation distress that change near the crack tip. The FPZ for variant B is wider and its cumulative area is bigger than for variant A. This behaviour corresponds to the results of the numerical simulation performed with ATENA software [18]. Because the difference between these two FPZs is not too large, for future work it is necessary to use suitable advanced software to evaluate these differences. C ONCLUSIONS t was proven that reduction of the material density in the course of the fracture process zone is detectable using X-ray tomography. For better quality results, smaller regions of interest should be chosen to improve the resulting resolution respectively. At the given magnification, microcracks cannot be detected properly and only a kind of nebula is visible in areas, where microcracking is expected. The pilot X-ray tomography obtained results will be numerically verified by using an advanced software tool, see e.g. [19- 21]. T I