Issue 42

J. Klon et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 42 (2017) 161-169; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.42.17 163 (DSCT), which has two-fold acceleration of the process of collecting data for tomographic reconstruction, or Dual Energy CT (DECT), which allows to improve the visualization of differences between the material components with very similar or very different X-ray attenuation. System variability also provides a sufficient range for large area 2D scanning. Very stable high resolution is possible with regard to the installation of a high precision rotary stage and the use of an anti-vibration table, on which the whole assembly is placed. The details of X-ray measurement could be found in [8, 9]. Figure 2 : TORATOM (Twinned Orthogonal Adjustable Tomograph) in the Centre of Excellence Telč, Czech Republic. M ODIFIED COMPACT TENSION TEST he Modified c ompact tension (MCT) test was used to capture changes of the shape and size of the FPZ. The modification of compact tension test configuration for its adaptation on quasi-brittle materials is based on changes of loading force eccentricity. This modification causes significant changes in stress distribution through the whole specimen body. A numerical study using the cohesive crack model of this test was shown in [10]. The contribution presents a parametric study focused on optimization of the introduction of the loading force eccentricity into the specimen for various configurations. As the most suitable way of introducing the loading force, a variant with a rectangular shape of a specimen was selected. This specimen has a symmetrical stress concentrator in the shape of circular sectors on both shorter sides. In the narrow part of the specimen, between the circular sections, an initiation notch is performed. Loading is introduced by two steel platens glued on the specimen symmetrically on both longer sides. The thickness of the specimen and also the steel platens is 20 mm. Steel platens of two variants are used (1 and 2). The difference between the two variants of platens is in the eccentricity of introduced loading force. Loading force transmission from the test equipment to the specimen is realized through a loading head, which is connected to the platens with a pin. This pin allows free rotation of the specimen, so only pulling force is introduced (the specimen is not bent). By using these two platens, it is possible to make three test configurations:  configuration A – eccentricity of loading force by 0.3 W ´,  configuration B – eccentricity of loading force by 0.1 W ´,  configuration C – eccentricity of loading force by -0.1 W ´. All configurations, except the dimensions are shown in Fig. 3. The characteristic dimension is W ´, this is the specimen width at the narrowest point. This dimension is also the specimen height and the diameter of the above mentioned circular sectors (see Fig. 3). T