Issue 41

T. Morishita et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 45-53; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.07 53 C ONCLUSIONS software to visually indicate the stress and strain states, the non-proportionality of loading and life evaluation was developed based on the IS-method. It was applied for the life evaluation under the multiaxial random fatigue loading, and the theoretical life was estimated based on Manson-Coffin equation. The software enables researchers and engineers without specific knowledge on multiaxial fatigue loading to assess fatigue strength under non- proportional multiaxial fatigue condition. R EFERENCES [1] Fatemi, A., Socie, D.F., A critical plane approach to multiaxial fatigue damage including out-of-phase loading, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 11 (1988) 149-165. [2] Baek, S.H., Cho, S.S, Joo, W.S., Fatigue life prediction based on the rainflow cycle counting method for the end beam of a freight car bogie, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 9 (2008), 95-101. [3] Jun, Y., Cheng-bin, L., Shousheng, X., Multiaxial fatigue life predication method based on maximum damage critical plane, Aviation Industry Corporation of China, 26 (2011) 2783-2789. [4] Han, C., Chen, X., Kim, K.S., Evaluation of multiaxial fatigue criteria under irregular loading, International Journal of Fatigue, 24 (2002) 913-922. [5] Liu, Y., Mahadevan, S., Multiaxial high-cycle fatigue criterion and life prediction for metals, International Journal of Fatigue, 27 (2005) 790-800. [6] Wang, Y.Y., Yao, W.X., Evaluation and comparison of several multiaxial fatigue criteria, International Journal of Fatigue, 26 (2004) 17-25. [7] Carpinteri, A., Spagnoli, A., Vantadori, S., A critical plane-based criterion for high-cycle multiaxial fatigue using averaged princiola stress directions, In: Proceedings of the Workshop on: “Progettazione a fatica in presenza di multiassialità tensionali”, Ferrara, Italy (2005). [8] Carpinteri, A., Brighenti, R., Spagnoli, A., A fracture plane approach in multiaxial high-cycle fatigue of metals, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 23 (2000) 355-364. [9] Leyi, D., Jun, L., Li, C., Rain flow count method and its realization in programming, Airforce and Engine Department of Engineering College of Airforce Engineering university, 24 (2004) 38-40. [10] Itoh, T., Sakane, M., Ohnami, M., Socie, D.F., Nonproportional low cycle fatigue criterion for type 304 stainless steel, Trans. ASME, J. Engineering Materials and Technology, 117 (1995) 285-292. [11] Itoh, T., Nakata, T., Sakane, M., Ohnami, M., Nonproportional low cycle fatigue of 6061 aluminum alloy under 14 strain paths, European Structural Integrity Society, 25 (1999) 41-54. [12] Itoh, T., Yang, T., Material dependence of multiaxial low cycle fatigue lives under non-proportional Loading, International Journal of Fatigue, 33 (2011) 1025-1031. [13] Itoh, T., Sakane, M., Shimizu, Y., Definition of stress and strain ranges for multiaxial fatigue life evaluation under non-proportional loading, Journal Society Material Science, Japan, 62 (2013) 117-123. [14] Itoh, T., Sakane, M., Ohsuga, K., Multiaxial low cycle fatigue life under non-proportional loading, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 110 (2013) 50-56. [15] Socie, D.F., Multiaxial fatigue damage models, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 109 (1987) 293-298. [16] Endo, T., Anzai, H., Refined rainflow algorithm: P/V difference method, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, The Society of materials Science, 30 (1981) 89-93. [17] Wang, C.H., Brown, M.W., Life prediction techniques for variable amplitude multiaxial fatigue - Part 1: Theories, Journal of Engineering Material and Technology, 118 (1996) 367-370. [19] Wang, C.H., Brown, M.W., Life prediction techniques for variable amplitude multiaxial fatigue - Part 2: Comparison with experimental results, Journal of Engineering Material and Technology, 118 (1996) 371-374. [20] Chen, X., Xu, S., Huang, D., A critical plane-strain energy density criterion for multiaxial low-cycle fatigue life under non-proportional loading, 1999 Black Science Ltd. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Material & Structure, 22 (1999) 679-686. [21] Farahani, A.V., A new energy-critical plane parameter for fatigue life assessment of various metallic materials subjected to in-phase and out-of- phase multiaxial fatigue loading conditions, International Journal of Fatigue, 22 (2000) 295-305. A