Issue 41

T. Morishita et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 45-53; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.07 51 Figure 6 : Formatted input data for random loading. (2) Calculation of S I ( t ) and S Imax S I ( t ) and S Imax are calculated based on IS-method. (3) Determination of reference axis The reference axis for defining  ( t ) and  ( t ) is determined. Although the determination of reference axis is only one kind in the IS-method, that can select three methods (Method 1, 2, 3) in this program for visualization. In Method 1, the reference axis corresponds to the direction of S Imax as described in section of “ Definition of stress and strain ”. In Method 2, the reference axis is determined based on the maximum accumulated damage. Accumulated damage K is estimated using following equation, and the reference axis is determined to be the direction where K takes its maximum value.         C d t t t s S K )( sin )( sin )( I (13) In Method 3, the reference axis can be determined as any direction by users at their request. (4) Calculation of  ( t ) and  ( t )  ( t ) and  ( t ) are calculated in accordance with the IS-method. (5) Figure of stress/strain path in the polar coordinate and waveforms of S I ( t )cos  ( t )- t and S I ( t )sin  ( t )- t Based on the above-mentioned calculations and analyses, stress/strain path and waveform are calculated. User can understand magnitude and angular variation quantity of loading in the three-dimensional shape. In addition, reference axis can be changed manually in polar coordinate based on these results. Fig. 7 shows a graph of input stress as a function of time. In the graph,  x ,  y ,  z ,  xy are presented. The magnitude of  y is equal to that of  z, and the magnitude of  xy is equal to that of  x , while the phase difference between  x and  xy is 180 o . This waveform of input data is 1 block cycle which consists of 40cycles. Fig. 8 shows the waveforms of S I ( t )cos  ( t )- t and S I ( t )sin  ( t )- t . S I ( t )cos  ( t )- t indicates stress/strain waveform, while S I ( t )sin  ( t )- t indicates the magnitude of non-proportionality on time. It is apparent that the applied stress path has high non-proportionality. (6) Cycle counting (In the case of random loading) In the case of random loading, waveform of stress/strain is analyzed using the rain-flow method, a kind of cycle counting method. It should be noted that damage has to be evaluated by a cumulative damage rule, i.e. Miner’s rule. Stress/strain waveform under non-proportional loading was already reduced to the simple waveform through categories (1)  (5). Therefore, the cycle counting and cumulative damage rule used in uniaxial loading can be applied to non-proportional loading. (7) Data storage In this step, figures and tables can be graphed and saved to memory. From the figures, users can understand stress/strain range, multiaxiality and non-proportionality of stress/strain state simultaneously.