Issue 41
M.F. Funari et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 524-535; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.63 526 0 T U W (1) where T is the virtual work of the inertial forces, U is the work of the internal forces and the tractions across the interfaces and W is the work of the external forces. According to the first-order transverse shear deformable laminate theory and multilayered approach, the variational form of the governing equations can be expressed by means of the following expressions: 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 l l i l l LN l l l l l l l l L L N N i i l l l l l l l i L L N N l l l l l l l l T U U dx, U N T M dx T dX , W f U h dX p U dx U U (2) where the subscripts l=1,..,N and i=1,..,N-1 indicate the numbering of the layers ( N ) and the interfaces ( N-1 ), , , with 1 1 2 ' ' ' ,x U , U , represent the generalized strains, N,T ,M are the generalized stresses defined as a function of the classical extensional A , bending D , bending–extensional coupling D and the shear stiffness H variables, i t n T T T is the cohesive interfaces traction vector , i t n is the cohesive interface displacement jump vector, and 0 are the mass and polar mass per unit length of the layer and l f and l p ,with 1 2 0 l f f f and 1 2 l p p p m , are the per unit volume and area forces acting on the l -th layer, respectively. Figure 1 : Layered structure: geometry, interfaces and TSL
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