Issue 41

A. Mardaliazad et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 504-523; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.62 522 The numerical results are expected to be improved by a direct material identification based on the Pietra Serena, i.e. the triaxial compression and isotropic compression tests. Density, RO [ton/mm 3 ] Poisson ratio, PR NOUT RSIZE UCF 2.00e-9 0.34 2.00 0.03937 145.00 B1 B2 B3 ω S λ E drop LOC-WIDTH 1.1 1.35 1.15 0.5 100 1.00 1.35 A0 [MPa] A1 [MPa] A2 A0Y [MPa] A1Y [MPa] A2Y A1F [MPa] A2F 34.458 0.65629 0.00097 21.621 1.11569 0.00251 0.7563 0.00097 Table 10 : The specifications of the full input mode of the KCC material model implemented for Berea sandstone. R EFERENCES [1] Brook, N., The measurement and estimation of basic rock strength, Comprehensive rock engineering, 3 (1993) 41-66. [2] Hudson, J.A., Crouch, S.L., Fairhurst, C., Soft, stiff and servo-controlled testing machines: a review with reference to rock failure, Eng Geol, 6 (1972) 155-189. [3] Gopalaratnam, V., Shah, S.P., Softening response of plain concrete in direct tension. Journal Proceedings, (1985) 310- 323. [4] Biolzi, L., Cattaneo, S., Rosati, G., Flexural/tensile strength ratio in rock-like materials, Rock Mech Rock Eng, 34 (2001) 217-233. [5] Jaeger, J.C., Cook, N.G.W., Fundam Rock Mech, (1979). [6] Cattaneo, S., Rosati, G., Effect of different boundary conditions in direct tensile tests: experimental results, Magazine of Concrete Research, 51 (1999) 365-374. [7] Bažant, Z.P., Kazemi, M.T., Size effect in fracture of ceramics and its use to determine fracture energy and effective process zone length, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 73 (1990) 1841-1853. [8] Labuz, J., Biolzi, L., Class I vs class II stability: a demonstration of size effect. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts: Elsevier, (1991) 199-205. [9] Biolzi, L., Labuz, J., Global instability and bifurcation in beams composed of rock-like materials, International journal of solids and structures, 30 (1993) 359-370. [10] Price, N., A study of the time-strain behaviour of coal-measure rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts: Elsevier, (1964) 277-303. [11] Laws, V., Derivation of the tensile stress-strain curve from bending data, Journal of Materials Science, 16 (1981) 1299- 1304. [12] Mayville, R., Finnie I. Uniaxial stress-strain curves from a bending test, Experimental Mechanics, 22 (1982) 197-201. [13] Pepper, J.F., Geology of the Bedford Shale and Berea Sandstone in the Appalachian Basin: A Study of the Stratigraphy, Sedimentation and Paleogeography of Rocks of Bedford and Berea Age in Ohio and Adjacent States: US Government Printing Office, (1954). [14] Hamilton, W.B., Tectonics of the Indonesian region: US Govt. Print. Off., (1979). [15] Khodja, M., Canselier, J.P., Khodja-Saber, M., Cohaut, N., Drilling fluid technology: performances and environmental considerations, INTECH Open Access Publisher, (2010). [16] Coli, M., Livi, E., Tanini, C., Pietra Serena in Fiesole, Part I: A historic stone resource in need of cultural and cognitive recovery, J of Min Sci, (2002). [17] Coli, M., Livi, E., Tanini, C., Pietra Serena in Fiesole, Part II: Geological setting and quarrying, J of Min Sci, 39 (2003). [18] Coli, M., Livi, E., Tanini, C., Pietra Serena mining in Fiesole, Part III: Structural-mechanical characterization and mining, J Min Sci, 42 (2006) 74-84. [19] Kochavi, E., Kivity, Y., Anteby, I., Sadot, O., Ben-Dor, G., Numerical model of composite concrete walls, Proceedings of the 9th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design & Analysis, ESDA2008 (2008). [20] Jaime, M.C., Numerical modeling of rock cutting and its associated fragmentation process using the finite element method: University of Pittsburgh, (2011).