Issue 41
E. Nurullaev et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 369-377; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.48 376 the temperature 223 K, and rupturing deformation increases from 12% to 35%; at 273 K – from 1100 to 900 kJ; rupturing deformation – from 16% to 46%; at 323 K – from 400 to 350 kJ, rupturing deformation – from 25% to 55%. Fig. 3 presents for the first time by the authors constructed envelopes mechanical destruction energy values for the four fractions of silicon dioxide at a volume fraction of the plasticizer - φ sw = 0.05 and temperatures of numerical experiment 223 K, 273 K, 323 K. Envelopes of rupture points of polymer composite material according to T. L. Smith qualitatively characterize material service time. In contrast to that, envelopes of mechanical fracture energies quantitatively evaluate service Life of PCM. Envelopes of mechanical fracture energies for PCM based on low-molecular and high-molecular rubber mixtures are constructed for comparison (Fig. 4). It was shown, that mechanical fracture energy of PCM based on high-molecular rubber mixture is 1000 times higher than of the low-molecular rubber-based one. Figure 3 : Envelopes of mechanical fracture energies. φ sw = 0.05; vol. fraction; Experiment temperature : 1 – 223 К; 2 – 273 К; 3 – 273 К. a - Two-fraction silica; b - Four-fraction silica; c - Three-fraction silica Figure 4 : Envelopes of mechanical fracture energies for PCM: 1 – based on low-molecular rubbers BR-KTR + PDI- 3B; 2 – based on high-molecular rubbers IR + BR. C ONCLUSIONS 1. Optimized parameter values of silica fraction mixtures in polymer composite materials are calculated using computer program being developed by the authors.
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