Issue 41

E. Nurullaev et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 369-377; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.48 375 Previously the authors have proposed polymer composite material for road covering based on low-molecular rubbers of butadiene + dieneepoxyetherurethane [12]. For comparison of mechanical behavior of low-molecular and high-molecular rubber-based PCMs, Fig. 2 presents envelopes of rupture points for polymer composite materials according to T. L. Smith. Figure 2 : Envelopes of rupture points for polymer composite materials according to T. L. Smith: 1 – based on low-molecular rubbers BR-KTR + PDI- 3B; 2 – based on high-molecular rubbers IR + BR- It is obvious that rupturing stress of PCM based on high-molecular rubber mixture is of a higher magnitude than of the low-molecular rubber-based one (12 against 1.2 MPa) , at almost the same rupturing deformation. Table 4 : Numerical experimentation results by determination of maximum mechanical fracture energies for PCM. D ETERMINATION OF MAXIMUM FRACTURE ENERGY OF FILLED PLASTICIZED POLYMER COMPOSITE MATERIAL echanical fracture energy is optimized for ν ch = 3 mol/m 3 . Plasticizer volume fractions in the binder are chosen in form of three values: 0.05; 0.1; 0.3. Tab. 4 presents numerical experimentation results by determination of maximum mechanical fracture energy for PCM. Analysis of simulated results has shown, describes dependence between mechanical fracture energies and PCM fraction composition. It is obvious, that increase of fraction quantity causes decrease of fracture energy from 1800 to 1650 kJ at Plasticizer volume fraction φ sw = 0,05 vol. fraction Dispersed filler Two-fraction silica Three-fraction silica Four-fraction silica Experiment temperature, К Experiment temperature, К Experiment temperature, К 223 273 323 223 273 323 223 273 323 W, kJ 1800 1100 400 1500 850 300 1700 920 350 ε b , % 12 16 25 35 50 70 30 46 55 Plasticizer volume fraction φ sw = 0,1 vol. fraction W, kJ 1750 1050 350 1400 800 300 1550 900 320 ε b , % 12 17 22 40 55 70 26 36 50 Plasticizer volume fraction φ sw = 0,3 vol. fraction W, kJ 1650 900 300 1350 700 250 1500 750 300 ε b , % 13 18 22 38 54 65 27 37 45 M