Issue 41

R. M. De Salvo, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 350-355; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.46 355 The frame has been further studied employing a step-by-step procedure: the same result was obtained together with the confirmation of the simultaneous appearance of the two plastic hinges in sections E and 3. Also, even the horizontal displacement at D node and vertical displacement at E node coincide with those found using this last procedure. F INAL REMARKS part its different theoretical structure, the procedure above developed, theoretically first and by means of an application on a double portal then, shows how much advantageous this new structure is from an operative point of view. According to the criteria developed in the previous monograph, in the procedure to localize the last hinge the number of systems to build and solve may result high (one for each hypothesis on the plastic hinge chosen as the last). In this new procedure, instead, it is sufficient to formulate a single hypothesis and to build only one system of equations whose solution permits to arrive to the desired result through a direct calculus. It is important to note that the hypothesis on the hinge chosen as the last one is not just an attempt (and therefore to be eventually repeated), but it is the first step of an algorithm that leads to the direct solution of the problem. R EFERENCES [1] De Salvo, R.M., Un procedimento originale per l’individuazione della cerniera ultima e per la determinazione della deformazione completa alla stato di collasso, LaborEst, 11 (2015) 85. [2] Massonnet, C., Save, M., Calcolo a rottura delle strutture, Bologna (1967) 49. [3] Corradi Dell’Acqua, L., Meccanica delle Strutture La valutazione della capacità portante, The McGraw-Hill Companies, 3 (2003) 38. [4] De Salvo, R.M., Lezioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni. Il metodo delle deformazioni nelle strutture piane, Editor Laruffa (1993). A