Issue 41

J.A.O. González et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 227-235; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.31 235 A CKNOWLEDGEMENT G.L.G. Gonzáles gratefully acknowledge the support of the CNPq–Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil (reference 152795/2016-2). R EFERENCES [1] Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M.A. Fatigue Design Techniques, volume 3: Crack Propagation, Temperature and Statistical Effects. CreateSpace (2016). [2] Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M.A.; Miranda, A.C.O. Singular and non-singular approaches for predicting fatigue crack growth behavior. Int J Fatigue 27 (2005) 1366-1388. [3] Elber, W. The significance of fatigue crack closure. ASTM STP 486 (1971) 230-242. [4] Newman Jr, J.C. An evaluation of the plasticity-induced crack-closure concept and measurement methods. NASA/TN-1998-208430, Langley Research Center (1998). [5] Vasudevan, A.K.; Sadananda, K.; Louat, N. Reconsideration of fatigue crack closure. Scripta Metall Mater 27 (1992) 1663-1678. [6] Kemp, P.M.J. Fatigue crack closure – a review. TR90046, Royal Aerospace Establishment, UK (1990). [7] McEvily, A.J. Current Aspects of Fatigue. Metal Sci 11 (1977) 274-284. [8] Paris, P.C.; Hermann, L. Twenty years of reflections on questions involving fatigue crack growth, part II: some observations of fatigue crack closure. Fatigue Thresholds 1 (1982) 11-33, EMAS. [9] Corbani, S.; Martha, L.F.; Castro, J.T.P.; Carter, B.; Ingraffea, A. Crack front shapes and stress intensity factors in plates under a pure bending loading that induces partial closure of the crack faces. Procedia Mater Sci 3 (2014) 1279- 1284. [10] Castro, J.T.P. Some critical remarks on the use of potential drop and compliance systems to measure crack growth in fatigue experiments. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng 7 (1985) 291-314. [11] Castro, J.T.P. A circuit to measure crack closure. Exp Techniques 17 (1993) 23-25. [12] LabVIEW, National Instruments TM, [13] VIC-3D 2010, Correlated Solution Inc.,