Issue 41

S. E. Ferreira et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 129-138; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.18 135 Material S Y (MPa) S U (MPa) C n (for  K in MPa  mm m p q 7075-T6 (M7HA03AB1) 461.9 524 9.686  10 -12 3 0.5 1 1015-1026 (C1BB11AB1) 262 399.9 1.515  10 -14 3.7 0.5 0.5 Table 2 : Properties and Forman-Newman parameters from the NASGRO 4.02 database [27].  N equation C (for  K in MPa  m) 7075-T6 1020 C&M 8.73e-09 2.64e-09 SWT 1.49e-08 4.50e-09 Table 3 : Constant C for modified CDMs obtained from SYM-calculated cyclic strain fields. Figs. 3 and 4 show the measured da/dN  K points and the curves predicted by the original CDM based on Creager and Paris (C&P), by the original SYM (assuming   3 ), by the SY-CDMs (SY-C&M and SY-SWT), and also by the modified SY-CDMs proposed here (SY-C&M modified and SY-SWT modified). The FCG data has been obtained under R  0.1 and R  0.7 using standard ASTM E647 procedures for a 7075-T6 Al alloy and a 1020 steel, respectively. Recall that the SY-CDM curves are predicted from the  N damage induced by the cyclic strain fields generated by SYM strip-yield procedures using Coffin-Manson or STW  N rules. These models use only the plastic part of those  N rules because the SYM numerical procedures discretize the pz ahead of the crack tip using rigid-perfectly-plastic VE elements. Recall as well that the modified SY-CDM proposed here does not need to use a previously chosen da/dN  K rule (Eq. 6) due the two limiting strain values introduced in the model, one for the FCG threshold and the other for the toughness. Figure 3 : Strip-yield and critical damage models for the 7075-T6 at R = 0.1 and 0.7 .