Issue 41

M. Vormwald et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 41 (2017) 114-122; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.16 119 Figure 6 : Interaction lines for N f = 10 5 . Figure 7 : Geometry of the submodel a), FE-model b). Figure 8 : left: von Mises stresses at weld ends under pure axial force, right: von Mises stresses at weld ends under pure torsional moment. Critical plane approach Fatigue cracks originate normally from an unloaded surface of a structure. At the critical location, a plane stress condition can be assumed. For this case, the calculation of the stress components in arbitrary cutting planes is simplified, see Fig. 9. A cutting plane within a material is designated as a critical plane, if it leads to a maximal value of a specific damage