Issue 40

Cover 1
K. Kaklis, S. Mavrigiannakis, V. Saltas, F. Vallianatos, Z. Agioutantis - Using acoustic emissions to enhance fracture toughness calculations for CCNBD marble specimens 9
K. N. Kaklis, S. P. Mavrigiannakis, Z. Agioutantis, E. K. Steiakakis, F. K. Stathogianni - Experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of Alfas stone 26
I. Stavrakas - Acoustic emissions and pressure stimulated currents experimental techniques used to verify Kaiser effect during compression tests of Dionysos marble 40
E. D. Pasiou, D. Triantis - Correlation between the electric and acoustic signals emitted during compression of brittle materials 49
A. Kyriazopoulos - Acoustic emissions and electric signal recordings, when cement mortar beams are subjected to three-point bending under various loading protocols 60
Z.S. Metaxa, W. Neri, P. Poulin, N. D. Alexopoulos - Strain monitoring of cement-based materials with embedded polyvinyl alcohol - carbon nanotube (PVA-CNT) fibers 69
S. K. Kourkoulis, I. Dakanali - Pre-failure indicators detected by Acoustic Emission: Alfas stone, cement-mortar and cement-paste specimens under 3-point bending 82
I. Doulamis, D. N. Perrea, P. E. Chatzistergos, A. S. Mitousoudis, S. K. Kourkoulis - Exercise as a mean to reverse the detrimental effect of high-fat-diet on bone’s fracture characteristics 93
M. Mentzini - Structural interventions on the drums of the Parthenon’s north colonnade 103
Ch. F. Markides, E. D. Pasiou, S. K. Kourkoulis - The multi-layered ring under parabolic distribution of radial stresses combined with uniform internal and external pressure 116
N.G. Pnevmatikos, G. A. Papagiannopoulos, G. D. Hatzigeorgiou - Earthquake design for controlled structures 137
L. Zou, X. Yang, J. Tan, Y. Sun - S-N curve modeling method of Aluminum alloy welded joints based on the fatigue characteristics domain 145
Z. Zhang, J. Ou, D. Li, S. Zhang, J. Fan - A thermography-based method for fatigue behavior evaluation of coupling beam damper 157
V. Mazánová, J. Polák, V. Škorík, T. Kruml - Multiaxial elastoplastic cyclic loading of austenitic 316L steel 170