Issue 40

I. Doulamis et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 40 (2017) 85-94; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.40.08 93 One of the key limitations of the present study is the relatively small number of femurs that were included in the bio- mechanical testing. Due to the small size of the samples a significant number was damaged during harvesting making it impossible to use them for testing. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that exercise can partially reverse the detrimental effects of HFD on bone biomechanics by increasing the thickness of the femurs’ cortical shell and thus limiting the HFD-induced loss of bone mass. However, the aforementioned positive effect of exercise was not translated to increased bone strength. Further in vitro/in vivo studies in experimental models and clinical trials are required to unveil the effect of HFD and exercise on bone metabolism and strength. R EFERENCES [1] Haslam, D.W., James, W.P.T., Obesity, Lancet, London, England, 366 (2005) 1197–209. [2] Berrington de Gonzalez, A., Hartge, P., Cerhan, J.R., Flint, A.J., Hannan, L., MacInnis, R.J., et al., Body-mass index and mortality among 1.46 million white adults, N Engl J Med, 363 (2010) 2211–2219. [3] Berghöfer, A., Pischon, T., Reinhold, T., Apovian, C.M., Sharma, A.M., Willich, S.N., Obesity prevalence from a European perspective: a systematic review, BMC Public Health, 8 (2008) 200. [4] Van Coeverden, S.C., De Ridder, C.M,, Roos, J.C., Van’t Hof, M.A., Netelenbos, J.C., Delemarre-Van de Waal, H.A., Pubertal maturation characteristics and the rate of bone mass development longitudinally toward menarche, J Bone Miner Res, 16 (2001) 774–781. [5] Schwartz, A.V., Diabetes mellitus: Does it affect bone?, Calcif Tissue Int., 73 (2003) 515–519. [6] Felson, D.T., Zhang, Y., Hannan, M.T., Anderson, J.J., Effects of weight and body mass index on bone mineral density in men and women: the Framingham study, J Bone Miner Res, 8 (1993) 567–573. [7] Patsch, J.M., Kiefer, F.W., Varga, P., Pail, P., Rauner, M., Stupphann, D., et al., Increased bone resorption and impaired bone microarchitecture in short-term and extended high-fat diet-induced obesity, Metabolism, 60 (2011) 243–249. [8] Wohl, G.R., Loehrke, L., Watkins, B.A., Zernicke, R.F., Effects of high-fat diet on mature bone mineral content, structure, and mechanical properties, Calcif Tissue Int, 63 (1998) 74–79. [9] Reid, I.R., Plank, L.D., Evans, M.C., Fat mass is an important determinant of whole body bone density in premeno- pausal women but not in men, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 75 (1992) 779–782. [10] Barondess, D.A., Nelson, D.A., Schlaen, S.E., Whole body bone, fat, and lean mass in black and white men, J Bone Miner Res, 12 (1997) 967–971. [11] Trayhurn, P., Beattie, J.H., Physiological role of adipose tissue: white adipose tissue as an endocrine and secretory organ, Proc Nutr Soc, 60 (2001) 329–339. [12] Díez, J.J., Iglesias, P., The role of the novel adipocyte-derived hormone adiponectin in human disease, Eur J Endocrinol, 148 (2003) 293–300. [13] Lihn, A.S., Pedersen, S.B., Richelsen, B., Adiponectin: Action, regulation and association to insulin sensitivity, Obes Rev, 6 (2005) 13–21. [14] Gavrila, A., Chan, J.L., Yiannakouris, N., Kontogianni, M., Miller, L.C., Orlova, C., et al. Serum adiponectin levels are inversely associated with overall and central fat distribution but are not directly regulated by acute fasting or leptin administration in humans: Cross-sectional and interventional studies, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 88 (2003) 4823–4831. [15] Buettner, R., Schölmerich, J., Bollheimer, L.C., High-fat diets: modeling the metabolic disorders of human obesity in rodents, Obesity (Silver Spring) 15 (2007) 798–808. [16] Nikander, R., Sievänen, H., Heinonen, A., Daly, R.M., Uusi-Rasi, K., Kannus, P., Targeted exercise against osteoporo- sis: A systematic review and meta-analysis for optimising bone strength throughout life, BMC Med, 8 (2010) 8:47. [17] Shimano, R.C., Macedo, A.P., Falcai, M.J., Ervolino, E., Shimano, A.C., Issa, J.P.M., Biomechanical and microstructural benefits of physical exercise associated with risedronate in bones of ovariectomized rats, Microsc Res Tech, 77 (2014) 431–438. [18] Gerbaix, M., Metz, L., Mac-Way, F., Lavet, C., Guillet, C., Walrand, S., et al., A well-balanced diet combined or not with exercise induces fat mass loss without any decrease of bone mass despite bone micro-architecture alterations in obese rat, Bone, 53 (2013) 382–390. [19] Miyagawa, K., Kozai, Y., Ito, Y., Furuhama, T., Naruse, K., Nonaka, K., et al., A novel underuse model shows that inactivity but not ovariectomy determines the deteriorated material properties and geometry of cortical bone in the tibia of adult rats, J Bone Miner Metab, 29 (2011) 422–436.