Issue 36

A. Sedmak et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 36 (2016) 63-68; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.07 68 Finally, internal defect with size of 6 mm, as recorded by NDT, does not jeopardize integrity of turbine cover, since predicted fatigue life is more than 783 years. A CKNOWLEDGEMENT he authors acknowledge the support from the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science for projects TR 35002, TR 35040 and TR 35006. R EFERENCES [1] Arsić, M., Vistać, B., Analysis of operational capability and a possibility of operational safety of the turbine cover in a life cycle at least 30 years long, Institute for Materials Testing, Belgrade, (2005). [2] Arsić, M, Bošnjak, S., Odanović, Z., Grabulov, V., Vistać, B., Influence of plasticity reduction on strength and fracture of turbine runner cover in hydro power plant ĐERDAP 1, In: The First International Conference on Damage Mechanics, ICDM 1, Belgrade, (2012) 57-60. [3] Arsić, M, Karić R., Sedmak A., Burzić M., Methodological approach to integrity assessment and servica life of rotating equipment at hydropower plant – turbine shaft, Structural Integrity and Life, 13(2) (2013) 117- 124. [4] Hertzberg, R., Deformation and fracture mechanics of engineering materials, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, (1995). T