Issue 36

Lj. L. Vulićević et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 36 (2016) 46-54; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.05 49 K I , Tab. 2, including its average, minimum and maximum values along the crack front. Tab. 2 also shows number of point in each crack growth step, being between 66 and 68. Curvilinear abscissa along the crack front [mm] x front coordinate [mm] y front coordinate [mm] z f ront coordinate [mm] K eq [MPa√m] K I [MPa√m] K II [MPa√m] K III [MPa√m] 0.000 0.033 0.781 0.035 67.4 67.3 -0.1 0.8 0.151 0.031 0.791 0.187 67.4 67.3 -0.1 0.7 0.293 0.028 0.801 0.328 67.4 67.4 -0.1 0.7 0.445 0.025 0.815 0.479 67.5 67.4 -0.1 0.6 0.585 0.023 0.828 0.618 67.5 67.4 -0.1 0.5 0.716 0.021 0.841 0.749 67.5 67.4 -0.2 0.5 0.855 0.018 0.853 0.887 67.5 67.4 -0.2 0.4 Table 2 : Values for K eq , K I , K II , and K III in the 16 th crack growth step. SIF for mod I, K I [MPa  m] step Crack length a [mm] Number of points of the crack front max min average value 1 2.00 66 28.09 26.34 27.60 2 2.15 68 29.63 27.93 29.08 3 2.31 66 30.97 29.50 30.60 4 2.47 68 32.44 31.46 32.16 5 2.65 68 34.34 33.81 34.04 6 2.84 66 36.42 35.82 36.22 7 3.03 68 37.84 37.39 37.68 8 3.22 68 40.22 39.77 39.99 9 3.42 66 42.97 42.62 42.82 10 3.61 68 44.93 44.58 44.83 11 3.80 68 47.99 47.49 47.75 12 3.96 66 51.62 51.19 51.46 13 4.19 68 54.40 54.15 54.30 14 4.39 68 58.43 57.91 58.17 15 4.58 66 63.43 63.07 63.25 16 4.78 68 67.45 67.19 67.33 17 4.98 68 73.02 72.59 72.80 18 5.18 66 80.30 79.84 80.10 19 5.38 68 86.26 85.91 86.11 20 5.58 68 94.77 94.09 94.40 21 5.78 66 106.00 105.16 105.58 22 5.98 68 115.78 115.07 115.48 23 6.18 66 129.66 128.21 128.72 24 6.37 66 148.40 146.73 147.56 25 6.58 68 165.09 164.01 164.37 26 6.78 68 190.23 187.30 188.21 27 6.98 66 225.71 222.78 223.74 28 7.18 68 261.11 257.68 258.90 Table 3 : Values for K I for all steps (28) growth.