Issue 36

M. Arsic et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 36 (2016) 27-35; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.03 30 Mechanical properties of base and filler metal, according to manufacturer’s data, are given in Tab. 1. Welding of specimens has been carried out by using approved welding procedure specification. Results of fatigue strength examinations on smooth specimens Fatigue examination of smooth specimens have been carried out on high frequency pulsator "Amsler" which is used for examinations by sinusoidal alternative cyclic loads with range of ± 50 kN, whereby in dependence on load magnitude, frequency up to 250 Hz can be achieved. Obtained value of fatigue strength is S f =420 MPa, Fig. 2. Figure 2 : S-N Relationship for K-grooved butt weld. Examinations of specimens with different lengths of edge notches by three points bending have been performed in order to determine fatigue strength of welded joints with short cracks (with limited length of initial crack), in other words to confirm the stress which cause crack closure due to arisen plastic zone on crack tip. Taking into account that mentioned experiments are not simple but very expensive, examinations have been performed only for the area of expected fatigue strength with set of 6 specimens, for the five different classes of initial notches. Stress concentrators have been made in zone of fusion of base metal and weld metal. This has been enabled owing to existing results of smooth specimen examination results. Specimen dimensions and the position of notch are shown in Fig. 3, and sizes of initial notches are given by Tab. 2. Data about examination conditions and properties of fatigue strength for every class of specimens is given in Tab. 3. Examination results are shown in Fig. 4 – 8. Figure 3 : Dimensions of specimen and notch position. Statistic analysis of examination results has been carried out, aimed to establish relationship between critical length of short crack and fatigue strength. It came out that relationship a c -S f in double logarithmic coordinate system can be presented by straight line, Fig. 9. Relationship between critical crack length and fatigue strength, shown in Fig. 9, can be expressed as exponential function in logarithmic form: 1 2 log log log c z a C C S   (4)