Issue 36

A. Namdar et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 36 (2016) 168-181; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.17 171 Length Force Mass Time Stress Energy Density mm N t s MPa (N/mm 2 ) mJ t/m 3 Table 2 : The following dimensions were used in numerical analysis. Figure 1 : The plain concrete beam cross section with length of 4000 (mm) used in analytical and numerical analysis, all dimension in (mm). Figure 2 : Crack simulated on two sided of fixed beam, and subjected to uniform distributed load. R ESULTS AND DISCUSSION he study based on stress transfer (or release) across the beam during occurrence of crack development on beam from bottom to top has been performed. The numerical simulation has been made according to fracture strengths of plain concrete beam, and simulation of crack mode I and flexural failure of the beam. The fracture resistance and toughness mechanism plain concrete were simulated. The plain concrete beam, was modeled by normal and high strength concrete. Following this modeling, the beam was loaded under cracking moment. Increasing the length of the T