Issue 36

F. Z. Liu et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 36 (2016) 139-150; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.14 145 different states differs little before loading, and the hydrogen involved was non-diffusible hydrogen; the content of hydrogen improved after 100-h loading in corrosive liquid, and the hydrogen involved was also non-diffusible hydrogen; the content of hydrogen in samples in quenching state was the lowest, while the content of hydrogen in samples processed at a tempering temperature of 200 °C was the highest, four times that of the sample in quenching state and two times that of the samples processed at a tempering temperature of 100 °C and 400 °C. State of samples Quenching state 100 °C tempering state 200 °C tempering state 400 °C tempering state Samples before loading The content of diffusible hydrogen (ppm) 0.0119 0.0081 0.0099 0.0185 The content of non-diffusible hydrogen (ppm) 0.1160 0.0958 0.1121 0.1278 Total content of hydrogen 0.1281 0.1045 0.1221 0.1466 Samples after loading The content of diffusible hydrogen (ppm) 0.0839 0.0534 0.1629 0.0938 The content of non-diffusible hydrogen (ppm) 0.3385 0.6466 1.6319 1.7968 Total content of hydrogen (ppm) 0.4228 0.6997 1.7949 0.8518 Table 4. The content of hydrogen of experimental materials in different states before and after loading (plate samples) Figure 7 : The content of hydrogen of experimental materials in different states before and after loading (plate samples). Activation energy of hydrogen trap of experimental materials The peak temperature of hydrogen effusion peak would change when heating rate in thermal analysis changed. Activation trap corresponding to hydrogen effusion peak can be calculated according to the variation of the peak temperature [19 ~ 20]. It is because that, hydrogen in traps can be gradually released by overcoming trap potential barrier when hydrogen filled samples are heated at a certain heating rate and the process is controlled by the bulk diffusion of hydrogen in samples. As the capability of every kind of trap trapping hydrogen is fixed, a peak value will appear in the curve of the correlation between hydrogen effusion rate and temperature under certain heating condition. The capability of trap