Issue 36

P. Jinchang et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 36 (2016) 130-138; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.13 134 We can see a dispersed humpback-like peak at 2θ (25° ~ 35°) which is caused by mass amorphous C-S-H gel existing in cement hydration product from XRD pattern of harden cement paste. But as there are lots of sharp crystalline peaks within the scope of diffraction angle, the position of amorphous peak is not obvious. Hence results can be obtained only when phase in a known proportion is added in quantitative analysis of components of cement paste. In quantitative analysis of hydration product of cement based material, α - Al 2 O 3 which is not contained in original paste, keeps stable at room temperature and cannot react with components of cement paste is used as addition phase. XRD pattern of the power sample obtained was first analyzed with EVA software to find out all and then with TOPAS software which is designed based on Rietveld method. We made quantitative analysis on hydration products of four kinds of test specimens (curing age of 3, 7, 28 and 90 days). Fig. 4 demonstrates the analysis results of test specimens which was cured for 28 days. Tab. 3 demonstrates quantitative analysis results of main mineral phases. Figure 4 : XRD quantitative analysis results of test specimens cured for 28 days. Curing period/d Test specimen Phase C 3 S C 2 S C 3 A C 4 AF Ca(OH) 2 CaCO 3 Amorphous phase 3 NSC0 10.65 7.93 3.65 2.02 4.89 2.67 43.63 NSC1 8.76 7.74 2.88 2.14 5.04 4.16 41.52 NSC3 8.32 8.97 3.45 2.05 3.65 7.68 43.29 NSC5 8.40 9.21 3.18 2.30 4.26 8.97 40.77 7 NSC0 7.56 7.66 2.33 1.85 4.08 3.30 47.31 NSC1 6.22 5.54 2.64 2.31 3.38 4.23 40.61 NSC3 6.35 5.09 3.34 1.82 3.34 7.32 39.81 NSC5 6.07 5.83 3.01 1.94 3.36 8.01 40.83 28 NSC0 6.09 7.02 2.16 1.50 3.57 3.07 49.14 NSC1 7.06 7.90 2.28 2.18 3.42 4.81 43.98 NSC3 5.89 6.34 2.14 1.67 2.76 6.54 48.02 NSC5 6.68 5.79 3.23 1.84 3.68 8.50 47.96 90 NSC0 7.46 7.40 2.13 0.96 3.56 2.99 48.88 NSC1 7.05 6.76 2.64 1.94 3.12 4.36 43.37 NSC3 5.90 6.20 2.35 1.59 3.08 6.08 46.84 NSC5 6.33 5.58 3.09 1.32 3.37 9.01 47.71 Table 3 : XRD quantitative analysis results of UHPCC with different curing age (%).