Issue 35

R. Sepe et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2015) 534-550; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.59 542 For the numerical implementation of the criteria, the scripting language of the FE code ANSYS® , that is the Ansys Parametric Design Language (APDL), was used. APDL makes possible to record current values of the stress tensor components and a certain predefined quantity (e.g., equivalent stresses). The fatigue analysis programs the Sines criterion, containing two series of static calculations: for equivalent average and amplitude loads. From the FE analysis, the invariants (i.e. the criterion components) were obtained in the whole structure. The algorithm ran four times: in each run, the aforementioned fatigue strengths were set to evaluate a fatigue life respectively of 10 4 , 10 5 , 10 6 and 10 7 cycles. A fifth run was performed at the failure cycle number (177˙000). The fatigue strengths were collected from the Haigh diagrams for the considered materials. Tab. 2 summarizes the fatigue limits that define the Haigh diagram for each number of cycles. Material 10 4 Cycles 10 5 Cycles 1.77·10 5 Cycles 10 6 Cycles 10 7 Cycles  , f a [MPa]  , p a [MPa]  , f a [MPa]  , p a [MPa]  , f a [MPa]  , p a [MPa]  , f a [MPa]  , p a [MPa]  , f a [MPa]  , p a [MPa] Al2024 T3 341 214 238 166 225 162 162 124 138 110 Al7075 T6 345 286 222 224 236 183 179 172 155 145 Table 2 : Fatigue properties of the materials [30]. R ESULTS AND DISCUSSION Static testing igs. 10-15 plot the maximum principal strains for the three static loading configurations analysed (T1–T3). Numerical strains, provided along the strain gages directions, are compared with the corresponding experimental data in Tabs. 3-5. With static loading configuration (T1) the numerical results are in good agreement with the values of strain gages, located on the skin (i.e. less than 8.5 % relative difference), while with reference to the strain gages S3 and S5, that are on the top of the frames, the results are affected to secondary bending effects. Moreover it is interesting to highlight that the best correlations are obtained when considering a biaxial load (T3) because the former condition involves the lowest secondary bending effects and the worst with a uniaxial loading along the stringer direction (T2) because the local secondary bending is non negligible with the presence of local bulging effects and the consequent need for a more complex three dimensional modelling. Strain gages Uniaxial loading along frame direction (T1 test) P y = 400 kN FEM strain (a) [μm/m] Experimental strain (b) [μm/m] Deviation = (a-b)*100/b [%] S1 -389 -419 -7.7 S2 1311 1354 -3.2 S3 842 1260 -33.2 S4 1634 1673 -2.3 S5 837 1126 -25.7 S6 1275 1245 2.4 S7 -371 -405 -8.4 Table 3 : Numerical and experimental correlation for load configuration T1. F