Issue 35

T. Sadowski et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 492-499; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.55 495 Figure 5: The structure of the TBC. Figure 6: Single blade. Figure 7: Rotor segment. Material used for modeling of the turbine blades For calculations we assumed that the turbine blades was made of a casting heat-resistant alloy with nickel matrix. This material is widely used for production of the stator, guide vanes and the turbine blades of the first and the second stage of the air-engine (e.g. TWD 10B and PZL 10W). Fig. 8 presents the yield limit ( R 0.2 ) and the uniaxial strength R m of the applied alloy in relation to the temperature variation. From 20 to 700 0 C the analysed properties increased only slightly in comparison to the values in the room temperature. For temperatures above 700 0 C mechanical properties decreased.