Issue 35

W. Xu et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 481-491; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.54 489 Corrosion rate/% Bearing capacity/kN Ultimate displacement/mm Loss of bearing capacity/% Loss of ultimate displacement/% 0 35.4 12 - - 2 32.6 11 8 8.3 5 26.7 9 24.6 25.0 10 24.9 7.3 29.7 39.0 16 24.8 7 30 41.7 Table 2: Bearing capacity and displacement of corroded reinforced concrete frame joints when axial compression ratio is 0.2. Effect of Changes of Axial Compression Ratio on Bearing Capacity Axial compression ratio is one of the major factors that influences failure mode and ductility of frame column. Yoon et al. [14] stipulated that limit for axial compression ratio of frame structure (level 1 seismic grade) is 0.65. Thus axial compression ratio is thought to be of great significance to bearing capacity of component. We obtain curves of load- displacement by keeping corrosion rate unchanged and changing axial compression ratio (0.2, 0.4, 0.6) (Figure 11 ~ 15). Fig ure 11: Curves of load-displacement (corrosion rate 0). Figure 12: Curves of load-displacement (corrosion rate 2%). Figure 13: Curves of load-displacement (corrosion rate 5%). Figure 14 : Curves of load-displacement (corrosion rate 10%).