Issue 35

R. Konečná et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 31-40; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.04 39 without any specific interference with the structural features, like grain boundaries. No correspondence of the fatigue crack paths and the melt pool tracks or particular building layers can be identified. The crack propagation is of transgranular manner, which is well documented in Figs. 9 and 10. The fracture surface is very similar to that reported for conventionally manufactured alloy [15]. Figure 13 : Comparison of crack growth in Inconel 718 manufactured conventionally and by SLM. The mechanism of the crack propagation is based on the planar cyclic slip in the region ahead the main crack tip. The cyclic slip is localized on parallel slip planes. The cycling leads to gradual damage of suitably oriented slip bands and formation of microcracks. Some of them are significantly opened. The main crack propagates by their linking or by rupture of areas in which the slip activity due to inconvenient orientation was weak. This mechanism is similar to that known from conventionally manufactured alloy [20]. The crack path is entirely transgranular. The slip activity in suitably oriented grains manifests itself by parallel slip lines visible on the fracture surface. The mechanism of the crack growth in the near-threshold region and in the Paris region is basically the same. Only the volume of the material at the main crack tip which is cyclically deformed is larger, which manifests itself by larger and more opened microcracks. At crack growth rates reaching 1 x 10 -4 mm/cycle formation of striations was observed, Fig. 11. This witness for the change of mechanism of the fatigue crack growth to ductile at high K a values. The plastic blunting model of crack growth can be considered as appropriate for crack advance description at high crack growth rates. Similar behavior was reported for conventionally manufactured alloy [20]. Simultaneously, in this crack growth region the da/dN vs. K a curves of both alloys are identical. C ONCLUSIONS 1. The propagation of long cracks at RT and at stress ratio R = 0.1 in Inconel 718 manufactured by selective laser melting can be well described by the equation da/dN = 2.25 x 10 -7 K a 2.31 . The threshold value of the stress intensity factor amplitude is K ath = 1.5 MPa m 1/2 . The SLM alloy is less resistant to the growth of long cracks in the near-threshold region than the conventionally manufactured alloy. For the loading with the stress intensity factor amplitude exceeding 10 MPa m 1/2 the crack growth resistance of SLM and wrought alloys is identical. 2. Fatigue crack growth occurs in transgranular mode. The cyclic plasticity is localized into parallel slip bands. The mechanism of the crack growth at threshold and in Paris region consists in the formation of microcracks ahead of the main crack. The main crack grows by their linking. At high crack growth rates the mechanism of crack growth changes and the occurrence of striations was observed. On the microscopic level the local direction of crack growth is dependent on the grain orientation. 3. The microstructure of SLM Inconel 718 exhibits specific features related to the building process. The melt pools are typical by fine grained microstructure and very small precipitates. The remaining volume is composed of coarse columnar grains having often elongated microstructure. The defects in the form of small voids and cavities are rare.