Issue 35

L. C. H. Ricardo et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 456-471; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.52 464 max KBW P a f w        (9) where, K is the stress intensity factor; P max is the maximum applied load; B is the specimen thickness; a is the crack length; W is the specimen width; a/w is the crack length to width relation for the specimen and f(a/W) is the characteristic function of the specimen that can be found in ASTM 647-E95a [84]. Figure 4 : Compact Tension (CT) Specimen. Figure 5 : FEM Model of CT specimen. Figure 6 : Post-Processing of Small Scale Yield Model. G ENERATION OF VARIABLE AMPLITUDE LOADINGS achniewicz [85-86] presents methodologies for fatigue crack growth models considering metallic materials. In the part I Machniewicz [85] present a review of crack growth predictions models and the deterministic models like AFGROW [87] and Willenborg et al. [22] models. Crack closures models are presented with their characteristics to apply under constant and variable amplitude loading. Machniewicz in part II [86] is presented the constraint factors normally used in plane stress constraint. FASTRAN [88] and NASGRO [89] are the most codes used in plane stress constrain to determine plastic strip stresses and strain. Heuler & Klätschke [90] discuss the procedure and how the generation of standards loadings can support the development of structures and components considering crack growth phenomenon under variable amplitude loading. It is well-known that data and models that characterize the fatigue behavior of materials and structures under baseline constant amplitude loading may not be appropriate or sufficient to adequately assess their fatigue performance under irregular M