Issue 35

L. C. H. Ricardo et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 456-471; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.52 463 Year Author Node Release Scheme Constraint Target Element Type 1985 Blom and Holm [55] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP and CCL Triangle linear 1986 Fleck [64] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP Triangle linear 1989 McClung and Sehitoglu [65] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP Quadrilateral linear 1989 McClung et al. [66] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP Quadrilateral linear 1991 Sun and Sehitoglu [67] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP Quadrilateral linear 1992 Sehitoglu and Sun [68] Maximum load; Minimum load PStress; PStrain COP Quadrilateral linear 1996 Wu and Ellyin [69] Maximum load PStress COP and CCL Quadrilateral linear 1999 Ellyin and Wu [70] Maximum load PStress COP and CCL Quadrilateral linear 2000 Wei and James [71] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP and CCL Triangle linear 2002 Ricardo et al. [72] Minimum Load PStress COP and CCL Triangle quadratic 2002 Pommier [73] Minimum Load PStrain COP and CCL Quadrilateral linear 2003 Ricardo [74] Minimum Load PStress CCL Triangle quadratic 2003 Solanki et al. [75] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP and CCL by COEL Quadrilateral linear 2004 Solanki et al. [76] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP and CCL by COEL Quadrilateral linear 2004 Zhao et al. [77] Maximum load PStrain COP and CCL by CME Quadrilateral linear 2005 Gonzalez-Herrera and Zapatero [78] Maximum load PStress; PStrain COP and CCL by DME Quadrilateral linear 2007 Matos & Nowell [79] Minimum load PStress COP and CCL by COEL Quadrilateral linear PStress- plane stress; PStrain- plane strain; COP- crack opening; CCL- crack closing; COEL- crack opening and closing by contact element; CME- crack opening and closing by compliance method; DME- crack opening and closure by displacement method Table 3 : Chronological crack advance scheme. In Singh et al. [80] the authors provide a review of some crack propagation issues. The paper cover the transients and single overload effects as well as the plasticity induced crack closure. In this topic Singh et al [80] presented a discussion regarding how the researchers normally work in crack propagation simulation considering overload-induced crack closure. Lei [81] determine the crack closure by finite element method in a compact specimen. In the work Lei [81] use ABAQUS [82] to perform the crack propagation simulation using the crack face method was good agreement with experimental data. Ricardo et al. [72] present an example of small scale yielding under constant amplitude loading. A compact tension specimen was modeled using a commercial finite element code Ansys version 6.0 [83]. A half of the specimen was modeled and symmetry conditions were applied. Fig. 4 shows the compact tension specimen from ASTM 647-E95a [84]. A value of 19 MPa  m was applied as an equivalent force using the expression (9) in the model. Fig. 5 shows the model used in this work and Fig. 6 shows an example of post-processing of the small scale yielding stress intensity factor.