Issue 35

S. Xinhong et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 441-448; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.50 448 R EFERENCES [1] Kluger, K., Lagoda, T., New energy model for fatigue life determination under multiaxialloading with different mean values. Int J Fatigue, 66 (2014) 229–245. [2] You, B. R., Lee, S. B. A critical review on multiaxial fatigue assessments of metals. Int J Fatigue, 18 (1996) 235–244. [3] Socie, D. F., Marquis, G. B., Multiaxial fatigue. Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc, (2000). [4] Zhong, Q.P., Fractography. Higher Education Press, (2006). [5] Guo, H., Biaxial fatigue mechanisms and life predictions for 1045 steel and 7075 alloy including anisotropy and notch effects. Quebec, Canada: Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, (2003). [6] Shamsaei, N., Fatemi, A., Small fatigue crack growth under multiaxial stresses. Int J Fatigue, 58 (2014) 126–35. [7] Susmel L. Multiaxial notch fatigue: from nominal to local stress-strain quantities. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead & CRC; (2009), ISBN 1 84569 582 8. [8] Findley, W. N., A theory for the effect of mean stress on fatigue of metals under combined torsion and axial load or bending. Transaction ASME, J. Eng Ind., 81 (1959) 301-306. [9] Socie D. Multiaxial fatigue damage models. Transaction ASME, J. Engng. Mater. Tech., 109(2) (1987) 293-298.