Issue 35

R. Konečná et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 31-40; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.36.04 35 of grain growth at very high cooling rates. Long columnar grains develop preferably in the direction parallel to the build direction. The different microstructures are shown at higher magnification on SEM images in Fig. 6d, e. The boundaries of columnar grains, which are not well revealed by LM, were observed by SEM (Fig. 6d). Examples of cuboidal and elongated microstructure can be seen in Fig. 6d, e. a) columnar grains with two different structure features, LM b) cuboidal particles (precipitates) in region 1, LM c) elongated structure in region 2, LM d) detail of columnar grain with boundaries, SEM e) elongated particles and area with cuboidal particles, SEM Figure 6 : Structure of SLM Icnonel 718 in x-z plane. Microstructure characteristics in the x-y plane, i.e. parallel to the build plane, are shown in Fig. 7. The sections of melt pools depicted in x-z and z-y planes as arcs appear as circles in the x-y plane (Fig. 7a). The microstructure within the circles is characterized by very small polyhedral grains of about 20 µm in size. Fine γ ʹ cuboidal particles are typical microstructural units within the melt pools, Fig. 7b. An example of non-melted particle with dendritic structure (inside circle) can be seen in Fig. 7d. The dendritic structure of powder remained unchanged because this particle was obviously not completely melted (Fig. 7d). The size of γ ʹ particles in the form of cubes in the melt pool areas is much smaller than in the columnar grains. Their size is smaller than 1 µm (Fig. 7e). The elongated structure in the area marked as 2 in the section x-z appears as ellipsoidal elongated particles in x-y metallographic section (Fig. 6e, Fig. 7c, f). The Vickers hardness does not depend on the plane orientation with respect to the build direction. The hardness measured on the x-y plane is HV10 = 330 ± 11 while on the z-y plane HV10 = 338 ± 11. The average value of Vickers hardness corresponds to the Rockwell hardness 34 HRC, which is a typical value for precipitation hardened Inconel 718 manufactured by conventional techniques [11]. Fatigue crack growth behavior The experimentally determined dependence of the crack growth rate da/dN on the stress intensity factor amplitude K a = (K max -K min )/2 is shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that a linear dependence in a log-log plot well approximates the crack growth rate data in the interval 1 x 10 -6 to 1 x 10 -4 mm/cycle, the Paris equation: da/dN = 2.25 x 10 -7 K a 2.31 . (1) The data in Fig. 8 show that the lowest value of the stress intensity factor amplitude K a at which the crack growth rate was reliably measurable for R = 0.1 is 1.5 MPam 1/2 . This value can be considered the threshold value of the stress intensity factor amplitude or K ath . 1 2