Issue 35

A. Tzamtzis et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 396-404; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.45 402 Figure 6 : Experimental and computed fatigue crack growth rates vs. stress intensity factor range (dα/dN-ΔΚ) in T3, A250 and A300 materials. The analytical results were obtained for c=-0.6 and r c =1.291x10 -6 m. parameter r c (m) T3 1.291x10 -6 mean: 1.329x10 -6 A250 1.538x10 -6 A300 1.158x10 -6 Table 3 : Average value of r c length. Figure 7 : Experimental and computed fatigue crack growth rates vs. stress intensity factor range (dα/dN-ΔΚ) in T3, A250 and A300 materials evaluated for r c,mean =1.329x10 -6 m.