Issue 35

M. Bozkurt et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 350-359; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.40 357 No Load Angle Thickness (mm) P Q (N) Crack Length (mm) No Load Angle Thickness (mm) P Q (N) Crack Length (mm) 1 0 12.5 9264 24.2 10 45 12.5 10879 25.7 2 0 12.5 9100 25.6 11 45 25 23384 26.8 3 0 12.5 8900 25.8 12 45 25 23816 26.6 4 15 12.5 9343 25.9 13 60 12.5 13395 25.6 5 30 12.5 9931 25.9 14 60 12.5 13251 25.5 6 30 12.5 9873 26.2 15 60 25 26218 26.5 7 30 25 20715 26.1 16 60 25 27181 26.4 8 30 25 19686 26.5 17 75 12.5 14389 25.9 9 45 12.5 10957 25.7 18 90 12.5 14419 25.4 Table 2 : Summary of mode-I/III fracture toughness tests. C OMPARISONS WITH MIXED MODE FRACTURE CRITERIA n an effort to assess and compare with the existing mixed mode fracture criteria, three-dimensional stress intensity factors from the finite element analyses are combined with the experimental measurements and are applied to some of the existing criteria in the literature. Comparisons with Some Existing Mixed Mode Fracture Criteria,  = 45 o As explained in a previous section, taking into account detailed three-dimensional finite element analyses along with submodeling of the CTT specimen, stress intensity factors were computed. Having computed the stress intensity factors, their values are used in different criteria from the literature to predict the mixed mode fracture load. The predicted fracture load is, then, compared with that obtained from the experiment, which reflects the analyzed problem. In what follows, application of this procedure to the case of  = 45 o and t = 25 mm and t = 12.5 mm is explained and results are provided in tables. Since precrack lengths, which are measured after the tests, are not the same for all cases, additional analyses with a = 26 mm and 27 mm are also performed using the procedure decscribed in the previous section. Then, based on the pre-crack lengths measured, stress intensity factors are interpolated to reflect the actual crack length and the test conditions. The computed SIF values, then, are used in Richard’s [1] and Pook’s [9] 3D empirical fracture criteria to calculate an equivalent stress intensity factor, Kv. Fracture toughness of the Al-7075 used in this study is 29.1 MPa.m 1/2 (taken as 29 MPa.m 1/2 ). Predicted critical load values are determined by using the fracture toughness of the material and the calculated Kv values from the finite element analyses and the criteria used. Using the procedure explained above, the comparison results for t = 25 mm are summarized in Tab. 3. In this table, crack length and fracture loads are test data. KI, KII, KIII are calculated SIF values for the crack length measured after the experiment. Kv values are the equivalent SIFs using two different criteria. As seen in the table, the predicted fracture loads are not very different between the first two cases, i.e., when SIFs are taken near the surface or at the mid-section. However, when maximum SIF components along the crack front are taken, regardless of their co-location on the crack front, the predicted fracture loads change considerably and become further away from the fracture load obtained from the tests. It is also observed from the table that, considerable difference exist between experimental and predicted fracture loads. Similar observations can also be made from Tab. 4 for the case of t = 12.5 mm, with the exception that predicted fracture loads are closer to experimental values than for the case of t = 25 mm. This point, along with opportunities for improved criteria, will be looked at as part of the future study. I