Issue 35

O. Demir et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 340-349; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.39 347 Experimental and predicted CTS specimen crack deflection angles obtained from the developed criterion with other existing criteria in the literature for different loading cases are given in Tab. 7. Comparison of this data is also presented as a graph in Fig. 3. Specimen No Loading Angle (°) CRACK DEFLECTION ANGLES (°) Erdogan and Sih [1] Richard [10] Sih [2] Nuismer [3] Hussain [4] Koo and Choy [6] Developed Criterion Experimental Results LT-01-150814-01 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 LT-01-251214-01 15 -10.28 -12.44 -10.20 -10.28 -10.28 -4.99 -10.49 -9.41 LT-01-251214-02 15 -10.37 -12.54 -10.29 -10.37 -10.37 -5.04 -10.67 -8.75 LT-01-150814-02 30 -21.86 -24.36 -21.22 -21.86 -21.86 -12.78 -24.97 -26.85 LT-01-150814-03 30 -21.72 -24.22 -20.22 -21.72 -21.72 -11.86 -24.70 -25.36 LT-01-150814-04 30 -21.87 -24.37 -21.24 -21.87 -21.87 -12.79 -24.94 -26.42 LT-01-090215-01 30 -21.52 -24.02 -20.91 -21.52 -21.52 -12.49 -25.47 -26.57 LT-01-150814-06 45 -33.64 -35.91 -32.08 -33.64 -33.64 -27.82 -37.03 -35.71 LT-01-150814-07 45 -33.03 -35.31 -31.51 -33.03 -33.03 -26.82 -36.21 -36.03 LT-01-220814-11 45 -33.64 -35.90 -32.07 -33.64 -33.64 -27.82 -37.89 -36.54 LT-01-150814-09 60 -46.00 -48.75 -44.37 -46.00 -46.00 -47.82 -41.03 -41.18 LT-01-150814-10 60 -46.13 -48.90 -44.52 -46.13 -46.13 -48.01 -41.79 -41.11 LT-01-150814-12 60 -46.14 -48.91 -44.53 -46.14 -46.14 -48.01 -41.75 - LT-01-251214-03 75 -58.39 -63.16 -60.71 -58.39 -58.39 -60.45 -49.48 -50.66 LT-01-150814-04 75 -58.53 -63.33 -60.94 -58.53 -58.53 -60.55 -54.50 -53.64 Table 7 : Comparison of the predicted crack deflection angles using the developed criterion and comparison with other existing criteria in the literature. It can be seen from the Fig. 3 that all criteria show a similar tendency for all loading cases except Koo and Choy criterion. When compared with experimental results, crack deflection angles obtained from the criteria, except Koo and Choy criterion, show a similar tendency up to 60° loading case and divergence occurs after 60° loading case for all criteria. Crack deflection angle values obtained from the developed criterion and experimental results are almost identical with an average error rate of 5.13% for all loading angles performed. Figure 3 : Comparisons of experimental and predicted crack deflection angles - CTS specimen.