Issue 35

O. Demir et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 340-349; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.39 345 Specimen No Loading Angle (°) CRITICAL LOAD VALUES (kN) Richard [10] Erdogan and Sih [1] Pook [8] Tanaka [9] Developed Criterion Experimental Results LT-01-150814-01 0 12.24 12.24 12.24 12.24 - 11.38 LT-01-251214-01 15 23.66 23.64 23.64 23.92 26.38 26.11 LT-01-251214-02 15 23.78 23.75 23.75 24.04 26.41 26.68 LT-01-150814-02 30 26.83 26.68 26.69 28.20 27.05 27.52 LT-01-150814-03 30 28.45 28.30 28.30 29.89 28.62 28.59 LT-01-150814-04 30 28.63 28.48 28.48 30.10 28.86 29.57 LT-01-090215-01 30 62.20 61.88 61.89 65.29 63.02 60.23 LT-01-150814-06 45 32.05 31.70 31.70 35.86 34.96 35.61 LT-01-150814-07 45 32.40 32.06 32.05 36.14 35.27 33.00 LT-01-220814-11 45 30.94 30.60 30.60 34.61 33.57 35.60 LT-01-150814-09 60 37.78 37.20 37.17 42.36 46.23 46.25 LT-01-150814-10 60 36.86 36.29 36.26 41.28 44.86 46.90 LT-01-150814-12 60 37.03 36.45 36.42 41.46 45.08 45.71 LT-01-251214-03 75 40.92 40.39 40.32 37.29 63.37 62.73 LT-01-150814-04 75 45.01 44.34 44.36 40.89 72.84 68.07 Table 4 : Experimental and predicted CTS specimen fracture load values obtained from the developed criterion with other existing criteria in the literature. Figure 1 : Comparisons of experimental and predicted CTS specimen fracture loads.